NYSMTP 2023 Virtual Professional Learning Opportunities  

Programming for: Thursday August 3, 2023

Thursday August 3, 2023 

Listed Chronologically:

*Please click on the Activity Titles below to see details and registration links for each offering. You will need to toggle down to expand the fields.

All sessions are virtual and require registration.

Bungee Jump From Middle School though College on Thursday August 3, 2023 at 9:00am - 10:00am

Title: Bungee Jump From Middle School through College

Date: Thursday August 3, 2023 

Time: 9:00am - 10:00am

Presenter: Martin Vysohlid 

Description of Session:

Bungee jumping is a reach problem. 

It can be used to solve many topics at many levels, for example:

- graphing and functions in middle school and interpolating solution,

- quadratic equation from conservation of energy in high school,

- connection to free-fall and oscillation of a spring to get time resolved solution,

- approximate solution of equations of motion using spreadsheets for advanced students.

Students like it as a team competition, and I like to use this to explain how engineers work when they are building models and running simulations.

Presenter Bio: Meet the Summer Conference 2023 Presenters  

REGISTRATION LINK: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSepmyG2dUXWiIR5wauFJqbdVCTncuZVU2V7pnr8yOsvko0w9Q/viewform?usp=sf_link

Master Teachers may log this activity as a workshop. It will be listed in the log dropdown menu as: "08.03.23-Statewide+1:Bungee Jump From Middle School to College"

Traditional Ecological Knowledge on Thursday August 3, 2023 at 9:00am - 10:30am

Title: Traditional Ecological Knowledge 

Date: Thursday August 3, 2023 

Time: 9:00am - 10:30am

Presenter: Neil Patterson

Description of Session:

An interdisciplinary look at the intellectual twin to western scientific knowledge systems, focused on the ecological traditions of Haudenosaunee People in what is now called “Upstate New York.” 

Presenter Bio: Meet the Summer Conference 2023 Presenters  

REGISTRATION LINK: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSepmyG2dUXWiIR5wauFJqbdVCTncuZVU2V7pnr8yOsvko0w9Q/viewform?usp=sf_link

Master Teachers may log this activity as a workshop. It will be listed in the log dropdown menu as: "08.03.23-Statewide+1:"Traditional Ecological Knowledge"

How I Bring Storylines into My Chemistry Teaching on Thursday August 3, 2023 at 10:15am - 11:15am

Title:  How I Bring Storylines into My Chemistry Teaching 

Date: Thursday August 3, 2023

Time: 10:15am - 11:15am

Presenter: Astrid Helfant 

Description of Session:

In this presentation I will summarize my storyline lesson experience with my chemistry students that revolves around the question: Why do some things get colder (or hotter) when they react?

What is a storyline? A storyline is a coherent sequence of lessons, in which each step is driven by students' questions that arise from their interactions with phenomena.

In my high school chemistry lab, students carried out several simple physical and chemical reactions, they asked questions based on their observations, and they created models of the observed phenomena.

During this presentation I will go through the first SEVEN lessons that make up this storyline (as summarized in the following video: https://youtu.be/aa0IRB7thpI). 

For those attending, I will be able to provide my Google Drive folder containing all the lessons and my generated keys to these lessons.

I should emphasize that I adapted these lessons from the Next Generation Science Storylines and the inquiryHub Chemistry Curriculum.

Presenter Bio: Meet Our Summer Conference 2023 Presenters  



Master Teachers may log this activity as a workshop. It will be listed in the log dropdown menu as: "08.03.23-Statewide+1: How I Bring Storylines into My Chemistry Teaching "

 Productive Struggle in the Math Classroom on Thursday August 3, 2023 at 10:15am - 11:15am

Title: Productive Struggle in the Math Classroom 

Date: Thursday August 3, 2023

Time: 10:15am - 11:15am

Presenter: Kimberly Hlavaty 

Description of Session:

"Each of us, as teachers and as students, have experienced struggle in some way." The recent research on mindset and grit have helped educators appreciate the value of struggle. This workshop will help set the stage for us to "nurture consistent, productive struggle and perseverance on the part of students in the mathematics classroom." Join us to learn specific strategies and routines to help promote productive struggle in your math classroom. 

Presenter Bio: Meet Our Summer Conference 2023 Presenters  



Master Teachers may log this activity as a workshop. It will be listed in the log dropdown menu as: "08.03.23-Statewide+1: Productive Struggle in the Math Classroom"

Using Skills Trajectories to Find and Correct Errors on Thursday August 3, 2023 at 11:30am - 12:30pm

Title: Using Skills Trajectories to Find and Correct Errors 

Date: Thursday August 3, 2023

Time: 11:30pm - 12:30pm

Presenter: Dr. Elizabeth T Walker

Description of Session:

Students are faced with learning enormous amounts of information. The potential for missing or misunderstanding crucial steps is high. Small gaps in conceptual learning or procedural skills often impact future math learning. Simple misconceptions can result in frustration, anxiety about math learning, and a sense of failure for students.

Skills trajectories break down target skills into smaller steps across grade levels. A pre/post assessment identifies where students begin to struggle. Problem sets move students to higher levels. A tracker allows for easy data-driven instruction.

Skills trajectories empower teachers to remediate effectively and students to see themselves as math-able and successful..

Presenter Bio: Meet the Summer Conference 2023 Presenters  

REGISTRATION LINK: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSepmyG2dUXWiIR5wauFJqbdVCTncuZVU2V7pnr8yOsvko0w9Q/viewform?usp=sf_link 

Master Teachers may log this activity as a workshop. It will be listed in the log dropdown menu as: "08.03.23-Statewide+1:  Using Skills Trajectories to Find and Correct Errors

On 2x4s, Graphite and Gasoline: What I Would Teach About Climate Change If I Only had an Hour on Thursday August 3, 2023 at 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Title: On 2x4s, Graphite and Gasoline: What I Would Teach About Climate Change If I Only had an Hour 

Date: Thursday August 3, 2023

Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Presenter: Don Haas

Description of Session:

This session provides a presentation of my favorite lesson - what I would teach about climate and energy if I only had a single class period - along with an exploration of the pedagogy of the lesson design. It is essentially a teacher's edition of "Where does gasoline go?"

Presenter Bio: Meet the Summer Conference 2023 Presenters  

REGISTRATION LINK: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSepmyG2dUXWiIR5wauFJqbdVCTncuZVU2V7pnr8yOsvko0w9Q/viewform?usp=sf_link

Master Teachers may log this activity as a workshop. It will be listed in the log dropdown menu as: "08.03.23-Statewide+1: On 2x4s, Graphite and Gasoline: What I Would Teach About Climate Change If I Only had an Hour 

Weaving Climate Solutions throughout the STEM Curriculum – A Practical Approach on Thursday August 3, 2023 at 3:15pm - 4:15pm

Title: Weaving Climate Solutions throughout the STEM Curriculum – A Practical Approach 

Date: Thursday August 3, 2023

Time: 3:15pm - 4:15pm

Presenter: Samrat Pathania 

Description of Session:

STEM courses are densely packed with content, and this leaves little time for special units. In this workshop, Samrat Pathania, Master Teacher Emeritus and Co-Founder of Educator Collective for Environmental Justice, will describe how climate solutions can be purposefully integrated throughout the different STEM courses by taking examples from Physics and Mathematics classes. Regular integration of these solutions achieves multiple goals by: increasing student engagement with real-world examples, making STEM concepts relevant to solving current societal problems, and showing students the hopeful side of a topic that is too often presented only in depressing terms. Participants will have access to all example slides shown; there will also be time to brainstorm further ways they can share climate solutions with their students. 

Presenter Bio: Meet the Summer Conference 2023 Presenters  



Master Teachers may log this activity as a workshop. It will be listed in the log dropdown menu as: "08.03.23-Statewide+1: Weaving Climate Solutions throughout the STEM Curriculum – A Practical Approach 

Summer 2023 Virtual Professional Learning Opportunities are open to all educators. You are welcome to share the link to this Google site with your colleagues. Pre-registration is required in order to receive the link to participate. Registration links are included in the workshop description information.

 August Virtual Workshops FAQ at this link

If you have additional questions please email us directly at MasterTeacherProgram@SUNY.edu 
