Decide and Defend: A Routine for Engaging Students in Constructing Arguments and Critiquing the Reasoning of Others

Self-Guided Professional Learning Series 

Grades 9-12

Series Description

This self-guided professional learning series was design by Grace Kelemanik and Amy Lucenta,  authors of the books Routines for Reasoning: Fostering the Mathematical Practices in All Students and Teaching for Thinking: Fostering Mathematical Teaching Practices Through Reasoning Routines in collaboration with the math team at Port Richmond High School in Staten Island, NY. This series will engage mathematics teachers and instructional coaches in the work of developing students’ capacities to construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

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After engaging with this module, participants will understand 

Impact on students:

Develop students’ capacities to construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others, NYS NGLMS SMP3.