Demystifying Artificial Intelligence

This page is created to share the highlights from my works related to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, either through courses I teach, my research and professional engagements. Hope this benefits you!

Information retrieval and text mining are my early exposure to AI. I started my Master of Science research on agent based system for knowledge sharing, which at that time Facebook was only starting friends suggestion. For my PhD I focused on Evolving Fuzzy Grammar for text extraction, and tested the algorithm on address recognition and terrorism events categorisation.

After my PhD, my research move from recommendation system (I started with tourism idea but eventually focusing on competition dataset like MovieLevns, Netflix, Delicious and Trip Advisor). I also continue working on text mining specifically on sentiment analysis (which covers text classification, extraction and summarisation). Eventually I work on question answering and chatbot.

My experience on data analytic consultancy works cover research design and development for cyber threat, dengue and sports analytic. I have also worked with corporations on validation of data analytic solutions and strategies.

My passion in data science is mostly rejuvenated through the Data Mining course that I teach once a year. My more recent AI exposure is on reinforcement learning. I work using several deep learning algorithms for many of the problems stated above including Seq2Seq, Multi-task RNN and Deep Recurrent Q-Learning.

A salute to AI.. Below are the breakthroughs of AI that marks the civilisation called today.

Mark Zuckerberg's sharing of his personal project on building Jarvis-like bot.

One of the current impression on AI is gained through its said ability to compose a novel. This link demonstrates AI's ability to generate auto text.