Lecture and Teaching

Intelligent Computing

Introduction to artificial intelligence
Applications of AI

Also popularly known as artificial intelligence, in this course for the bachelor students, exposure to a variety of AI techniques are being addressed.

The synopsis of the course:

This course covers concepts and techniques of intelligent computing. The techniques introduced are knowledge representation, heuristic searching, and machine learning. Some advance topics such as expert systems, natural language processing, and software agents are also discussed. An appropriate intelligent computing software is used in the application system development.

Teaching approaches such as inquiry based learning, scavenger hunt, gamification and experiential learning are used to make the course a sazz.

This page shares some of our activities. Follow our padlet for a peek into how we spent our time to enjoy learning intelligent computing.

The course covers mostly the fundamental of AI, but in my teaching I always refer students to real applications so they are exposed and have a deeper understanding. These are the list of AI applications compiled by my students. KUDOS to them!

Google AI experiments https://experiments.withgoogle.com/collection/ai

NVDIA Generative adversarial network for image processing https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/research/ai-playground/

Text analytic https://aidemos.microsoft.com/text-analytics

Stanford's Named Entity Recognition, Part of Speech and Entity Relationship https://corenlp.run/

Sentiment classification https://monkeylearn.com/sentiment-analysis/#sentiment-analysis-use-cases-and-applications

Reinforcement learning https://openai.com/blog/openai-five-defeats-dota-2-world-champions/

Various AI demo by IBM https://www.research.ibm.com/artificial-intelligence/experiments/try-our-tech/

Various Clova AI Tech Demo https://clova.ai/m/techdemo/

AI for writing https://www.grammarly.com/blog/how-grammarly-uses-ai/

Image creation https://gan-paint-demo.mybluemix.net/

Route planner https://aidemos.microsoft.com/route-planner

Sophia AI robot https://www.hansonrobotics.com/sophia/

Handwriting recognition https://experiments.withgoogle.com/autodraw

Text synthesizer (it generates paragraphs automatically!) http://textsynth.org/

Coronavirus screening https://www.doctoroncall.com.my/coronavirus/how-to-find-out-if-i-have-coronavirus-online-test

Expert system where to marathon http://www.exsyssoftware.com/CORVID/corvidsr?KBNAME=../Marathon/Marathon.CVR

Restaurant selector http://www.exsyssoftware.com/CORVID/corvidsr;jsessionid=913BD678D61A2564E4CCFC53DE358812

Image recognition https://quickdraw.withgoogle.com/

Fluency recognition https://elsaspeak.com/web-assessment-test