Introduction to Programming and Numerical Analysis

"This course has been amazing. It feels like i'm weaponizing the text-book theory from other courses." (student evaluation)

Course responsible:

Course description

This course introduces you to programming and enables you to numerically solve simple economic models and perform basic data analysis. This will e.g. allow you to both visualize solutions, easily test assumptions with respect to functional forms and parameters, and consider more realistic models, which are solvable numerically but not algebraically.

We will mostly use the Python programming language, and focus on well-known microeconomic and macroeconomic models from the core bachelor courses (Edgeworth, Koopman, Solow, AS-AD etc.). The course requires you to get your hands dirty - programming is not a spectator sport!

Once you are done with the course, you will have learned all of the tools necessary for programming a numerical solution algorithm for any economic model you face in your undergraduate and graduate courses.

The course is divided into four parts:

Getting started

Datacamp: All students attending the course will receive 6 months of free access to DataCamp. You will receive an e-mail regarding this. 

In the first classes, you will follow online courses at DataCamp to learn the basics of Python.

Installation: Follow the installation guide.

The course material is availible here:

Deadlines for hand-in etc.: See calendar

More practical information:

Learning Outcome




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