Installation of Python and tools

To follow this course you need:

Step 1: Anaconda

Note: The installation might fail if your computer username contains a space or special characters (æ, ø, å, ê, â, î, ô, û, ä, ö, ë, ï, ü, ÿ etc.).
The easiest solution is to change your username (otherwise you need to install Anaconda on a path not containing your user name).

Step 1a: Main

Troubleshooting: Do full uninstall. Install an older version of Anaconda from the archieve.

 Step 1b: Extensions

conda update --all

conda install -c conda-forge nodejs

conda install -c conda-forge ipympl

conda install -c conda-forge ipywidgets


Step 2: Git


Step 3: VSCode

Other optional extensions:

(Optional) Installing GitHub Copilot (AI help directly in VSCode)

This is optional to install. It will give AI-powered suggestions for your code directly in the editor. It is free for students, to get it you need to: