

Structure: 2-3 problems with 3-6 sub-questions on solving and simulating models and analyzing their implications graphically and numerically.

Examples of a problem: Similar to the problems in the problem sets

1. Solve consumer or firm problems (with non-standard constraints)

2. Solve and simulate an AS-AD model

3. Solve for the Walras-equilibrium in an exchange economy

4. Solve an extended Solow model

5. Solve a two period dynamic optimization problem 

Curriculum: Lecture notebooks (except sections and notebooks marked with (+))

Packages: No new packages are required, and using non-standard packages is actively discouraged.


1. Focus on answering the questions - nothing more, nothing less

2. Explain your method in words (or with an algorithm)

3. Structure and comment your code!

4. Explain your results in words

5. Partial answers, attempts and considerations are also awarded (something on everything is better than a lot on a few questions)

Disclaimer: Solving the full exam project in depth will be hard.


You should hand-in a single zip-file named with your groupname only.

• The zip-file should contain:

1. A general README.md for your portfolio

2. Your inaugural project (in the folder /inauguralproject)

3. Your data analysis project (in the folder /dataproject)

4. Your model analysis project (in the folder /modelproject)

5. Your exam project (in the folder /examproject)

Old exams

See https://github.com/NumEconCopenhagen/IntroProg-lectures/tree/main/exams