

Our success in fulfilling our vision is measured by customer satisfaction, team member excellence and happiness, return on capital investment, and improvement to the state of the environment. Our team members are our franchisees, their employees, and all stakeholders in our brand.


We strive to offer the highest quality service to our customers as we recruit the best people to become part of our team. We empower our team members to make their own decisions, creating a respectful workplace where people are treated fairly and are highly motivated to succeed. We recognize the connection between our lives, our communities, and the environment. We continually seek to balance our needs as people with the needs of our environment.


  • Satisfying and delighting our customers

  • Supporting our team members' happiness, health, and excellence

  • Creating wealth through profits and growth for our franchisees and all team members

  • Caring about the environment

  • Creating ongoing win-win partnerships with our suppliers


Our customers are the most important stakeholder in our business. Therefore, we go to extraordinary lengths to satisfy and delight our customers. We want to meet or exceed their expectations on every trip to the dry cleaners. We know that by doing so we turn customers into advocates for our Nu-Look 1Hr Cleaners brand. We guarantee our customers 100% product satisfaction or their money will be refunded.

Outstanding customer service is a result of both our team members' skill and enthusiasm in serving our customers and their in-depth knowledge and excitement about our services. We nurture a quality business relationship with our customers by demonstrating daily our customer service beliefs:

  • Our customer is not an outsider to our business, but the reason for it.

  • Our customer is not someone to argue with or match wits with. No one has ever won an argument with a customer.

  • Our customer is not a cold statistic, but a flesh and blood human being with feelings and emotions like our own.

  • Our customer is not an interruption of our work, but instead the purpose of it. We are doing our customers a favor by providing a service.

  • Our customer is doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so.

  • Our customer is not dependent on us, we are dependent on them.

  • Customers are the primary motivation for our work - they are not an interruption of our work.

  • Customers are people who bring us their wants and desires and our primary objective is to satisfy them as best we can - they are not people to argue or match wits with.

  • Our customer is the most important person to come into our store either in person, by telephone, by mail, or by the Internet.

  • Our customer is the person whose goodwill we must hold so that we can continue to do business in the future.

We Support Team Member Happiness, Health and Excellence

Our success is also dependent upon the collective energy and intelligence of all our Team Members. In addition to receiving fair wages and benefits, belief in the value of our work and finding fulfillment from our jobs is a key reason we are part of Nu-Look 1Hr Cleaners. Therefore, we design and promote safe work environments where motivated Team Members can flourish and reach their highest potential. And no matter how long a person has worked or plans to work with us, each and every Team Member is a valued contributor.

Achieving unity of vision about the future of our company, and building trust between team members is a goal of Nu-Look 1Hr Cleaners. At the same time diversity and individual differences are recognized and honored. We aim to cultivate a strong sense of community and dedication to the company. We also realize how important leisure time, family, and community involvement outside of work is for a rich, meaningful and balanced life.

We strive to build positive and healthy relationships among team members. "Us versus them" thinking has no place in our company or with our brand. We believe that the best way to do this is to encourage participation and involvement at all levels of our business. Some of the ways we do this are:

  • Self-directed Teams that meet regularly to discuss issues, solve challenges and appreciate each other's contributions.

  • Increased communication through team member open book, open door, and open people practices.

  • Team member incentive programs.

  • Team member stock ownership program.

  • Commitment to make our work more fun by combining work and play and through friendly competition to improve our stores.

  • Continuous learning opportunities about company values, our customers expectations and job skills.

  • Equal opportunity for employment, with promotion mostly from within the company.

We Create Wealth Through Profits and Growth

We earn profits every day through voluntary exchange with our customers. We know that profits are essential to create capital for growth, job security, and overall financial success. Profits are the "savings" every business needs in order to change and evolve to meet the future. They are the "seed corn" for next year's crop. We are the stewards of our shareholder's investments and we are committed to increasing long term shareholder value.

As a private company Nu-Look 1Hr Cleaners intends to grow. We will grow at such a pace that our quality of work environment, team member productivity and excellence, customer satisfaction, and financial health continue to prosper.

There is a community of self interest among all of our stakeholders. We share together in our collective vision for the company. At our franchise corporate level, we have a salary cap that limits the maximum cash compensation (wages plus profit incentive bonuses) paid to any team member in the calendar year to 19 times the company-wide annual average salary of all full-time team members. We encourage our franchisees to do the same, though they are not required to do so.

We Promote Environmental Stewardship

We see the necessity of active environmental stewardship so that the earth continues to flourish for generations to come. Before there were environmental laws on the books for dry cleaners, we were proactive in going over and beyond to help protect our environment. We seek to balance our needs with the needs of the rest of our environment through the following actions:

  • Consistently find ways to lower our impact on the environment.

  • Reducing waste and consumption of non-renewable resources. We promote and participate in recycling programs in our communities. We are committed to re-usable packaging, reduced packaging, and water and energy conservation.

  • Encouraging environmentally sound cleaning and store maintenance programs, through the use of Shaklee cleaning products.

We are not a fully self-sustaining ecosystem. There are hundreds of other businesses that we depend on to assist us in creating an outstanding dry cleaning experience for our customers. We view our trade partners as allies in serving our stakeholders. We treat them with respect, fairness and integrity, and expect the same in return.

Satisfying all of our stakeholders and achieving our standards is our goal. One of the most important responsibilities of Nu-Look 1Hr Cleaners' leadership is to make sure the interests, desires and needs of our various stakeholders are kept in balance. We recognize that this is a dynamic process. It requires participation and communication by all of our stakeholders. It requires listening compassionately, thinking carefully and acting with integrity. Any conflicts must be mediated and win-win solutions found. Creating and nurturing this community of stakeholders is critical to the long-term success of our company.