Chapter Information

We present the Class of 2023!

Libby Taylor DeLeon

Audrey Fox

Carrie Hare

Vicky Lynch

Sue Peters

Mimi Smith

Morgan Swilley

Jennifer Wynne

Nu Gamma is proud to welcome these stellar women to our Chapter


Ms. Sharon Brannick


Ms. Andrea Fox

1st Vice President Education Excellence Chair

Dr. Sarah Sponsel

2nd Vice President Chapter Unity Chair

Ms. Mimi Smith

Recording Secretary

Ms. M.J. Tykoski

Corresponding Secretary Chapter Endowment Chair

Ms. Vicki Lynch


Ms. Pam Hennigan

Parliamentarian Chapter Advancement Chair

Mrs. Michelle Bellamy

Communications Chair & Webmaster


Chapter Advancement

Pamela E. Hennigan*

Michelle Bellamy

Audrey E. Fox

Carrie C. Hare

Suzette V. Ransom

Morgan E. Swilley

Chapter Endowment

Libby Taylor Deleon

Susan Peters

MJ Tykoski*

Vicky F. Lynch

Chapter Unity

Sarah Sponsel*

Elizabeth Garrett

Martie R. James

Yolanda Morton

Joanna B. Robertson

Education Excellence

Andrea Fox*

Katia Echeverria

Katie Morales

Mimi G. Smith

Lori C. Villarreal


Michelle Bellamy

Sharon Brannick

Libby Taylor DeLeon

Katia Echeverria

Andrea Fox

Audrey Fox

Elizabeth Garrett

Carrie Hare

 Tonelli Hatley

Pam Hennigan

Martie  R. James

Vicky Lynch

Katie Morales

Yolanda Morton

Sue Peters

Suzette Ransom

Joanna Robertson

Mimi Smith

Sarah Sponsel

Morgan Swilley

M. J.  Tykoski

Lori Villarreal


The Nu Gamma Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International meet at 6:00 PM on the third Tuesday of each month September through April.  

There is no meeting in January.

Monthly Meeting Format

Location:  507 Thomas St., Wylie, TX  75098 (parking is in the back and enter at the top of the ramp)

Please check the current newsletter for meeting changes.