
Pulse of Education

November 2021 VOL. 4


Introducing New Faculty Members


余立棠博士為竹師語文教育系公費生、清大外語系碩士,德州大學奧斯汀校區(University of Texas at Austin )外語教育所博士。過去曾在國小任教,並擔任新竹市政府教育處英語教育輔導員,研究興趣包括資訊科技輔助語言教學、語言教師培訓、雙語教學。余博士很榮幸能回到母校服務,並期許自己為臺灣英語教育盡一份心力。

Department of English Instruction - Dr. Li-Tang Yu

Li-Tang Yu (B.E. in National Hsinchu Teacher's College, M.A. in National Tsing Hua University, & Ph.D. in the University of Texas at Austin) is interested in technology-enhanced language learning, language teacher education, and English as the medium of instruction. It is a great honor for him to serve his alma mater. He will keep enthusiasm in his research, teaching, and service for his school, and diligently contribute to English education in Taiwan.



Department of Education and Learning Technology - Dr. Pei-Yi Lin

Dr. Pei-Yi Lin’s research combines learning science, educational technology and educational psychology. The research direction is to understand students' idea interaction and knowledge construction in computer-supported collaborative learning; Teachers design the thinking process of teaching and technology; students' motivation, emotional changes and happiness in the learning process. Dr. Lin looks forward to more research and teaching turmoil in the college.


翁嘉遜博士曾在西北大學健康服務與促進研究所及Shirley Ryan AbilityLab擔任博士後研究員,亦曾任職學校體系職能治療師。主要關懷如何幫助特殊需求青少年由學校轉銜至就業及成人生活。其他研究亦包含職業復健、幫助自閉症孩童融入校園及社會、提升身心障礙者的環境支持、及學校和復健相關服務之銜接等。期待未來可以結合復健科學在特教領域中,以增進身心障礙學生畢業後的表現。

Department of Special Education - Dr. Jasin Wong

Dr. Jasin Wong joined the Department of Special Education this year. She previously had been served as a postdoctoral researcher at Northwestern University and Shirley Ryan Ability Lab. Her main research expertise is to help young people with special needs transfer from school to employment and adult life. Her primary research areas are occupational rehabilitation, helping children with autism integrate into school and society, improving environmental support for the physically and mentally disabled, and linking schools and rehabilitation-related services. She will be able to devote her future efforts in this field and hope to combining rehabilitation sciences in the field of special education to improve the performance of students with disabilities after graduation.



Department of Education and Learning Technology - Dr. Huei-Chi Yang

Dr. Yang joined the Department of Education and Learning Technology of National Tsing Hua University on August 1st this year (2021); she previously had been served as a full-time lecturer in the Department of Social Studies Education of National Taipei Teachers College, and then successively served in two elementary schools at Hsinchu City for 23 years. After been qualified to be the principal candidate of elementary school, she had ever served as a Curriculum Supervisor in the Department of Education at Hsinchu City Hall. Because of her rich experience in teaching, she had been, respectively, appointed as Counseling Teacher to the Central Curriculum and Teaching Guidance of Ministry of Education, Textbook Review Committee Member, and member of the Twelve-year National Education of Social Field Curriculum Research Committee. Her main research expertise is in elementary school administration. In the future, she will be devoted to assisting our teaching training students to participate teaching inspections and teacher's recruitment tests.



Department of Early Childhood Education- Dr. Wan-Chen Chang

Dr. Wan-Chen Chang joined the Department of Early Childhood Education on August this year, she previously had been served as associate professor at National Taiwan Normal University, and won the Teaching Excellence Award. Her main research expertise is the germination of children's literacy, children's cognitive development, and the use of technology to assist students in language learning. Recent research focuses on the development and learning of children's STEM concepts in the learning area. In the future, She will be able to devote his future efforts in this field, and contribute what she have learned in the field of early childhood education.







When a ChatBot Meets the Scenic Beauty of Poetry: Integrating ChatBots with Narrative Components to Explore the Beauty of Poetry

/Guan-Ze Liao - Professor,

Institute of Learning Sciences and Technologies/

Through the tempering of time, poetry leaves behind everlasting emotions and sentiments. Poetry not only carries the wisdom of Chinese literature, but also demonstrates a perpetual format for art manifestation. It allows people’s minds to break free from the restrictions of the real world......(READ MORE)




The Hsinchu City East District Parent-Child Center -

An Academia-Industry-Government Collaboration Project

/Hsiang-Chun Chen-Assistant Professor,

Department of Early Childhood Education/

Have you noticed the new parent-child pavilion across the 3rd-floor skybridge from the Big City shopping mall? This Pavilion has a floor space of ​​100 pings (c. 330 m2), with a wide range of books, toys, and recreational spaces. The Center also offers specialized parent-child activities and......(READ MORE)




Interdisciplinary Program of Education - Education for Sustainable Development

Off-campus Teaching about Education for Sustainable Development in Kinmen

/Tien-chien Chiang - Professor,

Department of Environmental and Cultural Resources /

Off-campus teaching is a feature of the Interdisciplinary Program of Education - Education for Sustainable Development Course. Through off-campus teaching, students can learn from the experiences and real-world verification they acquire in different environments to understand more about the theory and practice of sustainable development......(READ MORE)




  1. 110學年度學院教師傑出教學獎:

    • 朱思穎(特教系)

    • 林碧珍(數理所)

    • 倪進誠(環文系)

    • 區國良(學科所)

    • 詹惠雪(教科系)

  1. 110學年度學院教學優良教師得獎

  • 朱思穎(特教系)

  • 林碧珍(數理所)

  • 倪進誠(環文系)

  • 區國良(學科所)

  • 曹亞倫(幼教系)

  • 陳湘淳(幼教系)

  • 詹惠雪(教科系)

  • 蘇永明(教科系)

  1. 特殊教育學系朱思穎教授榮獲第12屆早期療育棕櫚獎

  2. 運動科學系高三福教授獲體育署110年度運動科學研究發展佳作獎勵(著作: A cross-level moderating effect of team trust on the relationship between transformational leadership and cohesion )!

  3. 環境與文化資源學系曾慈慧副教授(兩位外校教師與研究生 )獲2021第23屆休閒、遊憩、觀光線上學術研討會暨國際論壇最佳論文獎第二名趙芝良副教授(同研究生徐彰聰)獲第三名

  4. 學習科學與科技研究所傅麗玉教授主持科技部「科普產品製播推廣產學合作計畫成果」《吉娃斯愛科學》動畫第3季入圍2021年(第56屆)電視金鐘獎「動畫節目獎」


  1. 110年臺北市國小正式老師錄取名單:

      • 普通科:教育與學習科技學系109級胡哲源、張峻瑋、卜偲真、鄭宇姍、103級蔡鵑如、數教育研究所賴昀瑩。

      • 資訊科技:教育與學習科技學系109級白昀笙、102級謝亞均、99級林詠哲。

      • 英語科:教育與學習科技學系碩士在職專班陳玥彣、英語教學系109級杜采潔、游宜庭、108級杜若婷、林毓慈、103級謝妤婕、102級林冠妤、碩士班李怡真、黃彥嘉。

      • 專任輔導教師 :教育心理與諮商學系系友陳彥宏、曹婧、莊惠琦、林珈妤。

  2. 教育與學習科技學系大三胡博茜「110年青年暑期社區職場體驗計畫」分區成果競賽社會公益組第二名。

  3. 教育與學習科技學系大四林咏璇榮獲臺師大辦理110年度「運用Cool Eenglish網站資源,融入英語課程教學」教案徵稿比賽國小資生組第二名,大三楊采瑞榮獲佳作。

  4. 教育與學習科技學系碩士生卓君諭、戴愷歆、黃書儀、李昕諮(指導:蔡明學,任國教院副研究員及本校兼任副教授) 合著論文投稿於中華創新資訊與應用統計學會 (CAIIAS)辦理2021後疫情跨領域創新管理國際研討會,獲最佳論文獎勵。

  5. 教育與學習科技學系碩士生潘美玲參加客委會舉辦的長者客語生活紀錄片榮獲優選/作品名稱--他們的故事(影片連結請點我)

  6. 教育與學習科技學系碩士生劉書瑜錄取台中市明德高中數學科專任教師

  7. 數理教育研究所陳聖文錄取彰化縣秀水高工數學科教師

  8. 教育心理與諮商學系碩士班王威勝(指導:張硯評助理教授 )榮獲第四屆社會科學本土化學術研討會暨第五屆本土諮商心理學學術研討會【優等獎】

  9. 教育心理與諮商學系大學部林亭歡(指導:劉政宏教授)109年度科技部大專學生研究計畫「研究創作獎」

  10. 運動科學系大一安禾佑(指導:謝錦城教授)榮獲「中信邀請賽」(職業高爾夫)第三名佳績。

  11. 運動科學系碩士班陳念琴參加東京奧運拳擊賽榮獲世界八強(女子69公斤級)

  12. 學習科學與科技研究所王冠樺(指導:陳舜文教授)論文刊登於《本土心理學研究》期刊(TSSCI心理學類第一級期刊)