Arts and Culture

What is the Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)?

The SHSM program allows students to customize their high school experience to suit their interests and talents, and prepares them for a successful post secondary transition to apprenticeship training, college, university, or employment, while meeting the requirements of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). Northern currently offers three SHSM programs: Health and Wellness, Manufacturing and Arts and Culture.

SHSM Arts and Cuture

The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program in Arts and Culture gives students an opportunity to specialize, gain qualifications, and plan a career pathway in various areas of the Arts and Culture sector while still in high school. 

The Arts and Culture sector offers students opportunities to get inspired and use their unique skills and abilities in careers in visual arts, drama and performance, technical theatre, dance, media and many other creative areas. Arts education challenges people to think critically and solve problems creatively – skills that are in high demand in all walks of life.

SHSM Poster Art 2021.pdf


Ohh... and having FUN!



As you complete your high school credits you might actually already be on track towards one of the SHSMs offered at Northern. The SHSM program is a unique experience that allows you to gain real work experience in a field that you may wish to pursue as a career.  Students who have earned a SHSM can provide evidence of their achievement of the required components (e.g., sector-recognized certifications and training programs) to prospective employers and postsecondary educational or training institutions.

There are certified workshops like CPR and First Aid that are a requirement for SHSM students and also a huge bonus to add to your resume. Through a SHSM, students begin to establish relationships and networks in their chosen field.

The SHSM programs allow you to gain certificates and work with professionals in a field that you may never thought possible. Once you complete the program, you are given a red seal on your OSSD. Another great thing to add to your resume!

The SHSM Program allows students to experience a range of customized learning opportunities in an area that interests them, and helps to engage them in their school program. 

A SHSM program gives students the opportunity to explore, identify, and refine career goals and make informed decisions related to postsecondary education or training and next steps towards a career. The experiential learning opportunities provided in an SHSM enable students to develop Essential Skills and work habits that are required in the sector, and have their performance of those skills and work habits assessed and documented, using tools connected with the Ontario Skills Passport.

A SHSM helps students gain confidence in their ability to succeed, and see the connections between their studies, the world beyond high school, and their future careers.


Students must take a core set of six Ministry of Education approved courses that have been created and bundled to give experiences and skills in the arts.

Four sector-specific courses (majors) such as Visual Arts, Media Arts, Dance, Drama, and Music

Two other required courses: one must be English and  the other can be in Business or Canadian & World Studies

Schools may commit to including a contextualized learning activity (CLA) for the arts and culture sector in each of the two credits. In each credit, some of the course expectations are then met through the CLA. (Schools that do not formally commit to including CLAs are still free to offer them in one or more of the credits.)


Two Cooperative Education (Co-op) credits in an arts related placement are required.

Co-op placements could include working at places like local art galleries and shops, local professional theatre companies, the conservatory for the arts, photography studios, elementary school art or music programs, etc.


3 Mandatory

3 Optional - see chart

Some examples include:


You only have to complete this once and can include any of the following:


Students are provided one or more reach ahead experiences – opportunities to take the next steps along their chosen pathway – as shown in the following examples:


If you are interested in the SHSM program you can book an appointment with Ms. Vibert in Student Success.  You also have the option of looking at the SHSM programs through myBlueprint. Simply log-in to your myBlueprint account and go to your education planner - explore programs - choose a pathway and select "indicate interest". Once this is selected Ms. Vibert will contact you to discuss how you can achieve your SHSM red seal!

When you are ready to enroll you will need parent permission. Have your parent/guardian sign the application form and email it to