Northern Visual Arts

Welcome to Northern Visual Arts 


We acknowledge that we are hosted on the lands of the Mississaugas of the Anishinaabe, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the Wendat. We also acknowledge the enduring presence of all First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples. 

Northern has a strong history of providing rigorous, rich Visual Arts programming for students in all grades. In addition to our comprehensive Visual Arts courses (AVI), we offer focus courses in Drawing and Painting (AWM), Life Drawing (AWL; including live models), Digital Design (AWD), as well as Ceramics (AWC).  

In Grade 9, we follow the First Nations, Métis and Inuit Studies curriculum (2019) in the course Expressions of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Cultures (NAC1O).  "This course explores various arts disciplines[...]giving students the opportunity to create, present, and analyse art works, including integrated art works/ productions, that explore or reflect First Nations, Métis, and Inuit perspectives and cultures." While this course is culturally specific, it is an essential component of supporting the TRC Calls to Action and also serves as way to develop students' individual personal connections to the arts while enhancing student learning of Indigenous cultures on the land which we live, work, play and create!

In these courses students have opportunities to  learn drawing and painting using a variety of media, printmaking methods, approaches to sculpture, ceramic techniques, and digital art platforms such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. They also explore a range of important art and design movements, as well as artists from a wide variety of backgrounds, and their artworks.

As a department, we foster and promote the development of individual style. We provide our students with a strong foundation in traditional skills, and encourage them to use this as a platform to explore and experiment with a wide range of artmaking possibilities.  We invite them to engage in artmaking as a social, political and personal expression in response to individual experiences and the world we live in.

We hope you enjoy exploring the artwork of our students on our website. We are very proud of their accomplishments!

Please also enjoy our Northern Lights Virtual Art Shows!

NSS Northern Lights Art
Northern Lights Virtual Art Show.mp4

                Virtual Show 2019-2020                 Virtual Show 2020-2021

Visual Arts Program and Pathways

NAC Expressions of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Cultures, Visual Art Foundation 

Learn about Indigenous artmaking techniques and styles, as well as First Nations, Métis, and Inuit cultures and issues - both past and present - while getting a strong foundation in art skills such as drawing, painting, printmaking, ceramics and sculpture. 

Course Code: NAC1O1/AVI1O1

AVI Visual Arts (Comprehensive) 

Create realistic and abstract artworks using acrylic, water-soluble oils, watercolour, graphite, charcoal, coloured pencil and pastels. Learn etching and lino printmaking and explore different materials such as clay, wire, wood and recycled items to create 3D artworks.

Course Codes: AVI2O1, AVI3M1, AVI4M1

AWC Ceramics 

Learn how to create functional and sculptural ceramic pieces,  including plates, bowls, mugs, vases, boxes, chess sets, tea pots, and have fun on the  pottery wheel.

Course Codes: AWC2O1, AWC3M1, AWC41

AWD  Design (Graphic) 

Learn to use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Projects include illustration, branding, logo design typography, poster creation and screen printing. Compete for the cover of the yearbook, agenda and commencement ceremony.

Course Codes: AWD2O1, AWD3M1, AWD4M1

AWL Life Drawing 

Learn techniques to draw live models and a variety of natural objects (highly recommended for portfolio development for those going into fine arts, animation and graphic design).

Course Codes: AWL2O1, AWL3M1, AWL4M1

AWM  Drawing and Painting 

Learn how to develop your own style and enjoy many self-directed projects with the medium and subject matter of your choice, including acrylic, water-soluble oils, watercolour, graphite, charcoal, coloured pencil, pastels and ink. 

Course Codes: AWM2O1, AWM3M1, AWM4M1

Meet the Department!

Stephanie Signorile 

Drawing & Painting, Design, Ceramics, Visual Art

Jane Lee


Silvana Pasceri

Ceramics Technician

Arielle Horvath

Indigenous Studies, Visual Arts, Life Drawing 

ACL - Visual Arts

April Vibert

Student Success, SHSM, Life Drawing

Meaghan Boyce

Drawing and Painting, Visual Art (Semester 1)

Gianfranco Bozzo

Design, Gifted Rotation, Indigenous Studies (Semester 1)