R3 Resources 


Boards Material 

Crack the Core Volume I & II 

Representative Question bank with question format that is most representative of the exam when compared to other resources. Our progam pays for this

Series of 11 books that is a great learning resource

Absolute must for learning Radiologic Physics for the Core Exam

iOS and Android app for about $10. Great physics questions to help reinforce topics from War Machine

The NIS Guide is very hard to get through. The NIS Q Bank app is a more active way to go through the same material

More questions. Questions here can be esoteric, sometimes poorly worded, and can be 'gotcha' type.  Some like it, others do not

Great Q-Bank to do for the first time or repeat. High quality images help reinforce topics from CTC

Discord community with scheduled lectures, and many additional resources. You need your ID to gain access. Some people found the lectures helpful

Correlation of resources used and ABR scores from the rad discord

Theresa and Tina will assign a series of RadExams. These can be very helpful considering the question writers probably overlap with those of the ABR. The Recr3ate exams are great to go through before the exam

The ABR practice test is a must do right before your exam to gain familiarity with the software

Fellowship Material 

Click on the images below to access society specific fellowship application guidelines and material