
The annual recruitment for Secondary One students takes place at the beginning of each year in secondary schools with NPCC Units. By mid-March, the recruitment of Secondary One cadets would be completed. The Officer-in-Charge of NPCC Units in secondary schools would adhere to the following Action Phases with regards to the enrolment of Secondary One cadets:

cadet timeline

Cadet Inspector

The Cadet Inspectors' Basic Training Course is conducted twice a year (June and December). Cadets apply for the course through their Officer-in-Charge of NPCC Unit. Cadets who meet the following requirements are eligible to apply:

1. Cadets who have graduated from their secondary school and been admitted to a Post-Secondary Educational Institution.

2. Hold a minimum rank of Staff Sergeant.

3. Must be physically fit (required to pass the medical examination).

4. Possess ALL the following badges:

o 2nd Class Drill

o Campcraft

o Adventure Training

o Police Knowledge

o Total Defence

5. Possess at least one of the following badges:

o Marksmanship

o Community Safety and Security

o Swimming

o Kayaking

Honorary Officer & Honorary Instructor

An applicant for the appointment of Honorary Officer / Honorary Instructor must fulfill the following criteria:

    1. be a Singapore citizen or a Permanent Resident

    2. has no criminal record

    3. be above the age of 22 years

    4. completed NS liabilities (for male)

An applicant must be recommended by the OC Unit (NPCC) or Staff Officer (NPCC HQ). The OC Unit or the Staff Officer (NPCC HQ) must be able to ensure that the HO or HI has a role to play at the unit or HQ. Before any applicant is approved, a place of attachment must be identified.

An exception is made for applicants from NTU and NUS who join through the open units. They would be appointed as HOs after the successful completion of the Honorary Officer Basic Training Course (HOBTC) and Head HR, NPCC HQ, would decide their postings.

Teacher Officer

An applicant for the appointment of Honorary Officer / Honorary Instructor must fulfill the following criteria:

    1. be a Singapore citizen or a Permanent Resident

    2. has no criminal record

    3. currently a teacher who has been assigned to NPCC as a staff of the school unit

    4. medically fit

    5. completed NS liabilities (for male)

An applicant must be recommended by the principal of the school for the Officer Basic Training Course (OBTC).