

What is Overfishing?

The Western Cape Government described overfishing as, “catching fish at a higher rate than which the fish can reproduce to replace what has been caught. Overfishing happens for many reasons including the lack of resources to enforce legislation, lack of oversight, lack of understanding of fish populations, and lack of protection of coastal areas.” (Western Cape Government, 2018)

What are the effects of overfishing?

“Overfishing is detrimental towards coastal and ocean ecosystems as well as the communities that rely on fishing as a source of income.” (Western Cape Government, 2018)

Other issues relating to overfishing include: the extinction of marine life, increased algae resulting in more algae blooms which harms marine species, increased bycatch (unwanted species caught in fishing nets). Overfishing can also cause financial losses for small scale fisheries as well as a loss of food source for poorer communities on the coast. (Western Cape Government, 2018)

How can MPAs help the overfishing crisis?

By limiting the amount and times that you are allowed to fish out of certain areas it will ensure that they maintain healthy populations so that we can continue to have marine life in the future.