About MPA's

The zones that make-up an MPA:

Restricted: These are specific areas within a Marine Protected Area also known as ‘No-Take’ areas, which is where the extraction and harvesting of all marine and plant life is prohibited.

(MPA Forum - South Africa, 2022)

Controlled: These are specific areas within a Marine Protected Areas also known as ‘Open’ areas where you are allowed to extract and harvest marine life, on the condition that you have a valid permit allowing you to do so. (MPA Forum - South Africa, 2022)

Restricted and Controlled: Some MPAs have specific areas that are marked as both Restricted and Controlled zones. (MPA Forum - South Africa, 2022)

Picture caption: Two penguins on a secret beach in Cape Town

Why do we need MPA's?

Marine Protected Areas are important for the future because it can protect depleted, threatened, rare, and endangered species. In addition, protecting MPA’s can help preserve habitats that are considered critical for the survival of lifecycles of species (including humans).

Benefits of Marine Protected Areas

“Marine Protected Areas help safeguard our oceans and the services they provide.”

“The returns on having well designed and properly run MPAs can be measured in their economic, environmental, and social benefits.”

Here are some below:

1. Fish for the Future

Sustainable Fishing

MPAs protect fish breeding grounds, providing an area for ‘resource recovery’. Through the moving of fish from MPAs into non MPAs, there is a save zone provided for the fish as well as a good fishing area for fisherman. Ultimately MPAs help maintain food security as well as job security provided by ocean services. (MzanSea, 2019)​

Sustaining New Fish Life

Many of our fish species are heavily over-exploited after many years of severe over-fishing. MPAs allow marine ecosystems and the animals living in them to recover. They provide ‘safe spaces’ in which fish can breed undisturbed and can protect breeding areas that let young fish mature into adulthood, without the pressure of constant fishing. (MzanSea, 2019)

2. Jobs


The fishing industry is huge in South Africa and employs thousands of people that rely on the ocean being healthy and well looked after. From small scale fisherman to large scale fisheries, there are many people who rely on the ocean for their livelihood. For many, fishing is a way of life. (MzanSea, 2019)


MPAs create important jobs within the park, including rangers, park managers, gate staff, maintenance staff and in-house educators. (MzanSea, 2019)

3. Climate Resilience

Combatting Climate Change

MPAs are part of South Africa’s ‘climate change adaptation strategy’. They keep coastal areas healthy and provide resilience in ecosystems and armours for our shorelines.

Coastal Protection

Healthy shorelines protect coastal communities from extreme weather, tsunamis and rises in sea-level. Protection now provides future benefits and safeguards the social and economic wellbeing of coastline communities. (MzanSea, 2019)

4. Tourism


South Africa has a wide variety of ocean-related activities for local and international tourists. Many tourists come to South Africa to see the many species marine life we have, such as: sharks, whales, dolphins, seahorses, and nudibranchs. (MzanSea, 2019) 


The penguin colony at Boulders beach in Simonstown generates a couple million rand in revenue each year from ticket sales at the gate. (MzanSea, 2019) 


South Africa’s oceans have species that are found nowhere else on earth and offer incredible ocean encounters with Marine life Indigenous to South Africa. Scuba divers report having a ‘much richer diving experience when they don’t have to compete with anglers, as the fish life is more diverse and abundant.’ (MzanSea, 2019)

5. Education

Outdoor Classrooms

MPAs are wonderful resources for education and provide learning opportunities for environmental education, natural and cultural heritage as well as fishery management. They preserve accessible sites for learning such as the beautiful seaweed gardens and fossils in the Trafalgar MPA. (MzanSea, 2019)

6. Research

Expanding Knowledge

The diverse oceans of South Africa provide rich opportunities for researchers to learn more about marine life and make valuable additions to global knowledge about marine ecosystems and how they work. Our oceans are ‘living laboratories. (MzanSea, 2019)

Measuring Change

MPAs help us to understand what a healthy, working ecosystem looks like. We can use this information to measure change happening in unprotected areas. These scientific baselines, enable us to measure the impacts of climate change, invasive alien species, or pressure from fishing, mining, and other activities. (MzanSea, 2019)

Medical Advancements

The ocean has many secrets that we are only just beginning to find out, such as cancer-fighting compounds that have been found in sea slugs and sponges that occur nowhere else but in South Africa's rich and diverse oceans. (MzanSea, 2019)

7. Heritage

Our coastlines have cultural and historic meaning for many South Africans. MPAs can help look after these special places, such as archaeological sites and traditional fishing areas. (MzanSea, 2019) 

8. Spiritual

The ocean is a place of soul-cleansing and spiritual renewal for many South Africans. A powerful spiritual connection to our ocean enhances our lives and sustains us emotionally. (MzanSea, 2019) 

9. Sustainable Development

Increasing Marine Protection helps South Africa progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) target of 30 % protection by 2030. Additional goals include the reduction of marine pollution, sustainable management, and protection of coastal and marine ecosystems, minimise and address impacts of ocean acidification, and regulation of harvesting and end overfishing. (MzanSea, 2019) 

The Pressures that MPA's face 

The ocean is getting busier as pressures in the marine environment diversify and expand. Some of these pressures include: Fishing, Oil and Gas, Seabed mining, Poaching, Coastal development, Pollution, Climate change, and Invasive species. (MzanSea, 2019)

Indigenous species protected by MPA's in South Africa 

South Africa has a very wide biodiversity of marine life, some of the most iconic species include: Coelacanths, Sharks, Whales, Dolphins, Turtles, Seabirds, Fishes, Crustaceans, and Many different types of Coral. (MzanSea, 2019)