
Links to relevant journal articles

Amdam, S., Kobberstad, L. R., & Tikkanen, T. I. (2022). Professional digital competence in strategy and management: A case study of three teacher education programs in Norway. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 17(1):16-30. DOI: 10.18261/njdl.17.1.2

Basilotta-Gómez-Pablos, V., Matarranz, M., Casado-Aranda, LA., & Otto, A. (2022). Teachers’ digital competencies in higher education: a systematic literature review. Int J Educ Technol High Educ 19, 8 (2022).

Gisbert Cervera, M., & Caena, F. (2022) Teachers’ digital competence for global teacher education. European Journal of Teacher Education, 45(4), 451-455.

Kaminskienė, L., Järvelä, S. & Lehtinen, E. (2022). How does technology challenge teacher education? Int J Educ Technol High Educ 19, 64 (2022).

NJCIE Special issue (2021): Digital competence in teacher education across Europe - link

McGarr, O. & McDonagh, A. (2019) Digital Competence in Teacher Education, Output 1 of the Erasmus+ funded Developing Student Teachers’ Digital Competence (DICTE) project.  - link

Oliver McGarr, Louise Mifsud & Juan Carlos Colomer Rubio (2021) Digital competence in teacher education: comparing national policies in Norway, Ireland and Spain, Learning, Media and Technology, 46:4, 483-497 - Link

Ottestad, G.,  Kelentrić, M. & Guðmundsdóttir, G. B. (2014). Professional Digital Competence in Teacher Education. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 9(4), 243–249. - link  

Links to online learning resources

The Digital Teacher - free online course by UNESCO, targeted to in-service and pre-service teachers.

Teachers' Professional Digital Competence (PDC) - learn about what is meant by the concept: The Norwegian PDC Framework and the EU's Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu)