Final Conference

International NOTELEB Final Conference 

12.-13. June 2023

Location: University of Stavanger, Norway and Online (Zoom)

There is no participation fee, but you will need to cover your travel & accommodation, in case.


Monday 12.06.2023 

Venue: Arne Rettedal's building, room Ø-110

12:00 – 12:05


Tarja Tikkanen, University of Stavanger

12:05 – 12:15

Opening speech

Cécile Le Clercq, Senior Expert, Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC), European Commission  

12:15 – 12:30  

No Teacher Educator Left Behind (NOTELEB)

Tarja Tikkanen, University of Stavanger


12:30 – 13:15

Still an instrumental endeavor? Developing professional digital competence in teacher education

Synnøve Hedemann Amdam, Volda University College, Ilka Nagel Østfold University College & Toril Aagard University of South-Eastern Norway (USN)


13:15 – 13:45

Modeling of Development of Teacher Educators’ Professional Digital Competence through informal workplace learning

Kairit Tammets & Linda Sillat, Tallinn University


13:45 – 14:00

Refreshments / Mingling


14:00 – 14:30

Teaching Digital Competence and Creative Expression in the Age of Digitalization: A Case Study of DigLed and DigiArt in Teacher Education

Cecilie Skaalvik & Anette Lund, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)


14:30 – 15:00

PDC development of teacher educators through collaborative professional development practices

Rebecca A. C. Stuvland, University of Stavanger and Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences & Vegard Moen, University of Stavanger


15:00 – 15:30

Supporting kindergarten teachers' professional digital competence development through mentorship

Kairit Tammets & Linda Sillat, Tallinn University


15:30 - 15:45   Refreshments / Mingling


15:45 – 16:30

NOTELEB PDC development products and tools


Videos and Interactive Elements as a Pathway in developing Teacher Educators' PDC

Rebecca A. C. Stuvland, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Sanna Luokomaa, Tuula Nousiainen & Mikko Vesisenaho, University of Jyväskylä 


NOTELEB-Online: Strengthening Professional Digital Competence in Teacher Education – Empowering Educators in the Digital Age

Mari-Ann Letnes & Nicole Veelo, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) 


NOTELEB-Toolkit: Direct access to latest digital technologies for modern teaching and learning

Hans-Liudger Dienel & Daniel Gampp, Berlin University of Technology


16:30 - 16:45



16:45 – 18:15   - Move to another location at the campus -

EXPO: Exploring the Didactic-Digital Workshop (DDV) @UiS & Poster session


19:00 – 21:30  

Conference Dinner 

Tuesday 13.06.2023

Venue: Arne Rettedal's building, room Ø-110

09:00 – 09:15

Digital transformation in Teacher Education - Opportunities and challenges 

Brita Strand Ragnes, Vice Dean, Faculty of Arts and Education, University of Stavanger


09:15 – 10:00   Digital competence, adaptive learning and learning analytics - Link

Rune Johan Krumsvik, University of Bergen


10:00 – 10:45   Key enablers for digital transformation in teacher education: Future trends and trajectories

TJ. OCeallaigh, University College Cork & Cornelia Connolly, University of Galway


10:45 – 11:00



11:00 – 11:15

Refreshments / Mingling


11:15 – 11:45

Digital Futures of Education: Investigating teacher educators’ practical arguments about professional digital competence

Erik Straume Bussesund, Oslo Metropolitan University

11:45 – 12:15

Interacting in Virtual Reality: Enhancing Teacher Educators' Competencies in XR

Emilia Ahlström, Mikko Vesisenaho, Tuula Nousiainen & Piia Näykki, University of Jyväskylä 


12:15 – 12:30



12:30 – 12:40

NOTELEB Video Premiere


12:40 – 13:00

Closing of the conference

Prof. Tarja Tikkanen, University of Stavanger




Questions about the conference? Please, contact