Key Records Sources

For the US

NARA: National Archives and Records Administration.  Keepers of scads of information.  There are two locations near us. Main NARA downtown DC at the National Archives Museum and an adjunct facility in College Park, MD. 

Many Norwegian immigrants homesteaded after arrival in the US. Our federal Bureau of Land Management’s General Land Office has a searchable database. Federal homestead records can be search for at: 

Other useful US sources include:

For Norway

The Norwegian National Archives has given significant attention to English-speaking descendants of Norwegian emigrees.  Four types of activities are addressed: use of their archive, online resources, reading rooms, and parish registers. See  The Digital Archive [Digital Arkiv] website can be toggled to English:   

The National Library of Norway, Nasjonalbiblioteket, can be searched online for books, manuscripts, journals, maps, etc. See: 

Within each County, farm and family histories (generically, bygdeboker) have been published over the last ~100 years. Organized by parish. Do not contain vital records, per se; are at best secondary sources, but 

Family Search has two good options for investigations.

Norsk Slektshistorisk Forening’s [Norwegian Genealogical Society] journal, Norsk Slektshistorisk Tidsskrift (1910 onwards)

Wiki for genealogical sources and research:

Norsk Biografisk Leksikon. 1st published in 1921–1983 with 19 volumes and >5,000 articles (NBL1). Updated in 1999–2005 with 10 volumes and >5,800 articles (NBL2). Hardcopy of NBL2 is near us at the Library of Congress. 

Slekt1 website provides links to surname books & more. See:

For both US and Norway, look for

Biographies of specific individuals or groups. Books on specific family lines/lineages which can contain genealogical information (AKA surname books).