Genealogy Cultural Skills  

The Sons of Norway’s main website has general information on genealogy and pertinent materials: e.g.,  terminology, language, and history. See:   GIG member participation is encouraged!

The Program for Genealogy awards Cultural Skills Pins for 3 levels of achievement. Document your: 1) participation in the Lodge’s GIG; 2) having presented at or having organized a GIG event; and/or 3) having helped someone else with their genealogical research. Then, 

Pin 1 – document the birth, baptism, marriage, death, and burial records yourself, your parents, plus 1 set of grandparents. 

Pin 2 – document the birth, baptism, marriage, death, and burial records for your 2nd set of grandparents and extend 1 generation back on your 1st grandparents.

Pin 3 – document the birth, baptism, marriage, death, and burial records for the next sets of grandparents such that you have progressed back to your 1st great grandparents and addressed a total of 15 people (including yourself).

For each Pin, complete two forms: a family group sheet and a pedigree sheet. Then provide two synopses on a specific family event and on one genealogical learning activity.  Submit the forms and synopses for review and approval.

Participation does not teach genealogy, but your work products reveal level of competence and progress with your own ancestry and are a good opportunity for data/info quality checks. Here is a pamphlet with introductory genealogy and Norwegian information: