Volunteer Opportunities

They are valid for 3 years. Call the main office (978) 534-7756 to get yours started!

SPRING DANCE: volunteers needed for Thursday, May 30 

There are multiple ways to help, including:

There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes to get our events off the ground. Planning committee members may assist with organizing volunteer sign-ups, making decorations, ordering supplies or food, delegating tasks, making community connections, soliciting donations, creating advertising & signage and more! Plus it's a great way to make connections with fellow Northwest families! Interested in helping with this event? email NorthwestPTO@gmail.com 

SPRING DANCE: volunteers needed for Friday, May 31

There are multiple ways to help, including:

There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes to get our events off the ground. Planning committee members may assist with organizing volunteer sign-ups, making decorations, ordering supplies or food, delegating tasks, making community connections, soliciting donations, creating advertising & signage and more! Plus it's a great way to make connections with fellow Northwest families! Interested in helping with this event? email NorthwestPTO@gmail.com 

FIELD DAY: volunteers needed for Thursday, June 6

There are multiple times to help, including:


Northwest PTO is looking to fill remaining positions on the executive board for the 2024-2025 school year. Elections were held at the April 23, 2024 PTO meeting. VACANT POSITIONS: Assistant Treasurer and Fundraising Coordinator. 

"PTO" stands for "Parent Teacher Organization" and we welcome any parents or guardians of Northwest Elementary students to get involved! While anyone can volunteer, PTO Board members are volunteers who commit to serving for at least 1 school year (the treasurer position commits to 2 years). Board members are also responsible for co-chairing at least one event per school year. 

If you are interested or would like to nominate someone who you think would be a great candidate, please fill out a nomination form. A member of the Nominating Committee will contact all nominees. Please contact a current PTO board member or a nominating committee member with any questions you have about the offices and process. See the current PTO board >>

How can I get involved?

We can't do this without you and we are so grateful for all our volunteers! There are many ways to help...

Join the PTO Executive Board

Northwest PTO recently held elections for the 2024-2025 executive board. "PTO" stands for "Parent Teacher Organization" and we welcome any parents or guardians of Northwest Elementary students to get involved! While anyone can volunteer, PTO Board members are volunteers who commit to serving for at least 1 school year (the treasurer position commits to 2 years). Board members are also responsible for co-chairing at least one event per school year. 

Meet the current PTO board >>

volunteers at Pasta Supper 2022

volunteers at Pasta Supper 2022

volunteers at Pasta Supper 2022