Register for Sports

Registration Instructions:

To register for a sport, students will need to fill out three Forms-- Sports Registration Form, Athletics Fees Form, and Physician Release Form-- and send them to the school office (Sports Registration Form can be done online, the other two must be printed). Next, submit the Athletics fee to the office via cash/check. NCA must have all three documents prior to a student attending practices or games.

1)  Complete the registration form
You can submit your registration online using the e-Form to the left, OR  print the .pdf version and turn it into the school office in an envelope marked "C/O Athletic Director, Sports Registration". You must complete a new Registration form for EACH CHILD signing up.

2) Submit the NCA Athletics Fee with Form
Athletics Fees are $50 per child. If your child plays multiple sports during the school year, the fee is $50 for the first sport, and then $25 for each additional sport that they play. Registration opens at the beginning of each season. (Cross Country registration begins in August, Basketball registrations begins in October, etc.)

We do not have online payment at this time. The Athletics Fee Form and payment should be submitted via cash, check or money order and turned into the school office in an envelope marked "C/O Athletic Director, Sports Registration". Checks should be made out to NCA Academy, with your child's name written in the Memo.

3) Submit a Physician’s Release Form, signed by your child’s doctor with the date of the physical.
A release form is good for 12 months from the date of the physical, please do not submit the actual physical exam. The form can be printed from the link on the left. 

PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT FORMS OR FEES TO YOUR CHILD'S COACH. They must be turned into the school office.

Contact with any questions or problems.

Registration Fee Assistance