Norfolk Events/ Competitions

Wortwell 5 A Side Competition

Wortwell held a competition on 30th April.

The competition was slightly different to most and also from what it had been in previous years.

The competition was for a team of 5 to be split and would have them play in a rink, triple, pair and single. Only rule being that a single could not play in the pairs as well.

The teams would play a random teams through out the day and each team would play 3 other teams and the points added up to find the overall winner.

Norfolk Triple Fund Raiser

Norfolk had a competition to raise some money for the county team.

This was a triples competition instead of a pairs competition which it had been in previous years

20 teams entered, this was drawn 4 groups with 5 teams with everyone playing each other.

Group winners and runners up progressing to the next round

This was then played down to just the 2 teams which happened to both be teams from Reepham

With Jimmy, Peter and Matt facing off against Sue, Trevor and Dean.

Was a very close final but with Dean needing to draw his last wood for the win and doing so to make the 3 this made them the winners.

Congratulations to Reepham Robins

Norfolk 5 a side Competition

On April 28th Norfolk hosted a 5 a side competition.

We had a very good turn out across all of the disciplines but the eventual winners were:

Well done to all of the winners

Singles Winner

Pairs Winners

Triples Winners

Rinks winners

Team Winners

South Norfolk played host to their annual tournament against the Bury League

On Sunday 2nd October the Waveney League in South Norfolk played host to their annual tournament against the Bury League, 

with Waveney emerging victorious 29 points to 19 points. The final score did not really reflect the amount of tight games there had been but the turning point for Waveney was the session immediately after tea when Waveney took 10 of the 12 points. 

This is a great tournament instituted quite a few years ago and we look forward to going to Risby next year.

South Norfolk Federation Summer Presentation

On Friday 30th September South Norfolk Federation held their annual Summer Presentation. A great night was had by all with a challenging quiz provided by Clare followed by cheese and biscuits supper. 

Kenninghall won both league and cup, Old Buckenham were runners up in the cup and Roydon were runners up in the league.

South Norfolk Federation Winter Presentation Night. 

On Friday 27th May The South Norfolk Federation held their winter presentation night. 

Over fifty people enjoyed a wonderful buffet co-ordinated by Phyllis and Vanda of Kenninghall with help from other clubs helping to supply some of the food, this was followed by the raffle, then all the presentations were made and the evening was polished off by a disco provided by Brian from Alburgh.

The recipients of the trophies were as follows:

5 a side Knock out Cup - Kenninghall

Waveney League- Kenninghall

County 6’s - Wortwell A

County 8’s - Kenninghall