Nordplus project


Network Water Quality and Food Safety 2020 (WQ&FS)

Teachers' mobility

The teachers' mobility is essential for cooperation and to spread knowledge about the partners in the network. The network applies for grants for 6 teachers (1 per partner) in one week, a total of 6 weeks plus travel support. Teacher's mobility is very important for the preparation of the intensive course. Teachers' introductory lectures to introduce students to the topic of the intensive course, each teacher will present to students water quality and food safety assurance and management systems in their countries and will discuss with students the situation in their countries. Lecturers will present the results of the research in their countries on the impact of water quality on food safety. During teacher visits, students will prepare comparative presentations. The presentations will compare the water and food quality assurance systems of the two countries (the lecturer's country and the receiving country). The goal of teachers' mobility is to share best practices, compare the teaching methods and conditions between partner schools, and provide international experience for the students.

Teachers will gain personal experiences to promote professional growth and further stimulate the development of sustainable food production and natural resources management education in partner organizations. All exchange reports are published on the platform of the network.