Drama workshops

On Wednesday, the students participated in drama workshops.

There were two different drama workshops:

The first worskhop was an "introduction" or a "warming up" for the main drama workshop.

Below are some pictures about the first drama workshop:

The second drama workshop was done in international groups. Students were divided in groups of four, where 2 spoke of the same language (estonian, finnish, danish etc), 1 spoke english and 1 spoke native language that no one other in the group knew well.

The groups the nimprovised in different situations.

Examples of situations:

  • Job interview

  • Speed dating

  • Asking help

  • Meeting a doctor

  • Asking about food

  • Getting mental help

  • Etc

The idea of the workshop was to empathise with the hardship of not having a common language to communicate.

Below are some photos of the second drama workshop: