
3. Solutions

The final, third conference will be in Tampereen Yhteskoulun Lukio (Tampere, Finland) on 7.-13. march 2021.

The topic of the conference will be "Solutions". The starting point will again be this web page and the work done by previous students in the previous conferences.

The aim of the students will be to work out some possible solutions to the challenges that migration has caused in Europe.

The students will discuss how they would wish that Europe would look like in the future and will work out some concrete plans and ideas for future policies and will scetch some possible future scenarios. The conference in Finland will summarize the work done by previous teams.


  • Make about 5 minutes long video about the pulling factors of your country.

    • For example: What makes your country great for immigrants? Why should immigrants come to your country?

    • The style of the video should be commercial.

  • Make a presentable video but don't take yourself too seriously and have fun with it!

  • Prepare to show your video in the conference.


Topic: Solutions

Monday 6.12.

Travel day

  • Danes and Estonians arrive at 22.00 at Tampere railway station

Tuesday 7.12. Greetings and documentary The Boiling Point

9.30 -11.00 Antti & Maarit / Classroom: Kieliluokka 3

  • Greetings

  • Introduction to conference

  • Tour around the school

11.10-11.45 Lunch

11.45-13.00 Antti / Classroom: Kieliluokka 3

13.30-14.30 Antti & Maarit

  • Discussion about the themes and topics of the movie

Evening program


  • After school trip to Christmas Market

  • Evening activity at school (ask your host about time and place)


  • 18.00 Dinner at Antti’s house

Wednesday 8.12. Drama workshop

8.30 Antti & Maarit / Classroom: Ranskan luokka

  • Homework and discussion

Around 9.00 Antti & Maarit

  • Travel to Tredu

9.30 Antti & Maarit

  • Tour of Tredu: Comprehensive school of adult immigrants


  • Sightseeing tram travel OR trip to Pyynikki and back to school

11.10-11.45 Lunch

11.45-13.00 Simo & Maarit & Antti / Classroom: Tyllin sali

  • Warming up to Drama workshop

13.00-14.30 Antti / Classroom: Tanssiluokka

  • Drama workshop

  • Students are divided to groups of four

    • 2 speak the same language (for example two estonians)

    • 1 speaks english

    • 1 speaks native language that no other in the group knows well (finnish, danish, estonian..)

  • The groups improvise in different situations. Other groups watch.

  • Examples of situations

    • Job interview

    • Speed dating

    • Asking help (money to bus ticket?)

    • Meeting a doctor with health problems

    • Asking about food (vegan for religious reasons)

    • Getting help to mental health problems

Evening program


  • 19.00-20.30 Indoor minigolf (ask your host about the place)


  • Free time in Tampere

Thursday 9.12. The hard cases of immigration

8.15-9.30 Antti & Maarit / Classroom: Kieliluokka 3

9.45 -11.00 Antti & Maarit / Classroom: Kieliluokka 3

  • Plan International's antiracism training

11.10-11.45 Lunch

11.45-14.45 Antti & Maarit / Classroom: Kieliluokka 3

  • The main workshop: Hard cases of immigration

  • 8 groups of three students

  • Antti and Maarit start with an example

  • The groups are given a hard case of immigration to solve

  • The group comes up with a worst case scenario and 2 different solutions to the case

  • Groups present the cases and solutions to other groups

  • Other groups discuss the best alternative

  • Example of a case

    • Immigrant comes to a new workplace, but doesn’t speak the native language fluently. Everyone in the workplace understands English, but some are very shy to use it.

    • Some of the co-workers have negative prejudices about the immigrants culture.

  • Antti and Maarit will form and send more case at monday

15.00 Antti & Maarit / Classroom: ?

  • Feedback session for teachers

Evening program


  • 17.00 Outdoor activity (ask your host about the place)


  • 19.00 Dinner at restaurant Heinätori

Friday 10.12. Trip to Helsinki

8.00 Departure from the school yard

  • Small snack pouch from school

  • Feedback survey

10-11 Arrival at Helsinki

  • Tour of shopping centre Puhos and Immigrant service association Monik ry

12-13 Lunch

13-15 Free time

15-16 Last meet and heartfelt goodbye