
The pushing and pulling factors of migration

The first conference will be held in Läänemaa Ühisgümnaasium (Haapsalu, Estonia), on 1.-7. march 2020.

The topic of the first conference is "The pushing and pulling factors of migration" and the aim of the conference is to learn about the causes of migration and of the 2015. European migrant crisis.

Before the start of the project the students will prepare homeworks about the situation of immigration in their home country. You can find the homeworks here.


March 1, Sunday

    • Travel day. The Danes and Finns will arrive to Estonia and to Haapsalu.

March 2, Monday

    • 8.05-9.00 Introduction, overview of the program
    • 9.00-9.30 Tour around the school
    • 9.30-10.15 Presentation of homeworks
      • Students will present their homeworks on the topic “Immigration in Finland/Denmark/Estonia”
    • 10.15-10.45 break
    • 10.45-12.15 Workshop 1.
      • Students are divided into four international groups, 6 persons in each group
      • Groupworks to understand the “pushing” and “pulling” factors of migration
    • 12.15-13.00 Lunch
    • 13.00-15.00 Orientation around Haapsalu to get to know the main sights of the town
    • 18.00 (approximately) – Get-to-know each other evening at school for the students. Ice-breaking games.

March 3, Tuesday

    • 8.05-9.20 Visiting lessons
    • 9.20-9.45 Get together in the assembly hall. Let's look through the results of the "photo hunt"
    • 9.45-11.00 Guest speaker Almonzer Eskandar from Syria.
    • 11.00-12.15 Workshop 2.
      • Students are divided into four international groups, 6 persons in each group.
      • Preparing and presenting a poster about the most important “pushing” and “pulling” factors
    • 12.15-13.00 Lunch
    • 13.00-14.00 Start of workshop 3. Preparing presentations about the pushing and pulling factors of migration.
      • Students are divided into six groups, 4 persons in each group.
      • Students prepare 6 presentations, on following topics:
    • 17.00 – Bowling for the students.

March 4, Wednesday

    • 8.05-12.15 Workshop 3 continues
      • Students will finish the presentations they started on the previous day.
    • 12.15-13.00 Lunch
    • 13.00-14.00 Presentation of the results of the workshop 3 (presentations)

March 5, Thursday:

    • 8.05-12.15 Workshop 4
      • Creative/drama workshop about the pushing and pulling factors of migration.
    • 12.15-13.00 Lunch
    • 13.00-14.00 Presentation of the results of Workshop 4
    • 14.00-15.00 Summary of the project, sharing thoughts.
    • 15.00-16.00 Summary meeting for the teachers

March 6, Friday: Field trip to Tallinn

    • 8.05 Bus from Haapsalu to Tallinn
    • 9.45-11.00 Tour in the Old Town of Tallinn
    • 11.00-12.00 Visit to the NGO Mondo (
    • 12.00-13.00 Lunch
    • 13.00-15.00 Visit to the Tallinn Seaplane Harbour and the exposition “1944: the great escape” (
    • 15.00-17.00 Free time in Tallinn.
    • 17.00 Bus from Tallinn to Haapsalu

March 7, Saturday: Travel day