NorCal Resilience Network Leadership Training


Welcome to the NorCal Resilience Network's
2021 Resilience Hub Leadership Training Program!

We are thrilled that you are joining us for this 8-month leadership training program, catalyzing resilience hubs in communities across the Bay Area. The training session is a project of the NorCal Resilience Network, and co-created with government partners and community-based organizations. Thank you to the Urban Sustainability Directors Network for major funding for this initiative, and providing us with the resilience hubs framework we will be following.

In this time of deep divisions in our country, we are grateful to be embarking on a journey with you all to build regenerative and resilient communities, rooted in compassion, and centered in racial justice.


August 16th: Water Resilience

Find resources on our webpage.

Our Objectives:

  • Reconnect and ground conversation in our sacred relationship to water

  • Understand current and projected state of drought

  • Understand our Basin of Relations and water conservation hydrology

  • Learn concrete water conservation and restoration practices

  • Know what resources are available and how to access them


  • Sheridan Noelani Enomoto, Water and Climate Justice Advocate

  • Brock Dohlman, co-director of the WATER Institute, Permaculture Design Program and Wildlands Program at the Arts & Ecology Center

  • Trathen Heckman, Founder and Executive Director, Acts

with peer-to-peer learning and networking opportunities in breakout rooms


September Skill Shares

Please stay tuned for details!

August Skill Share Topic: Water resilience

Thank you to those who attended our August 14th, Skill Share, about energy resilience!

Three energy resilience practitioners will share their strategies and practical solutions, from building political power to comprehensive microgrids.


Mark your calendars!
3rd Mondays of the Month, 5-7 pm

All sessions will be recorded. Please have at least one member of your team attend each session.

  • SESSION 7 (August 16, 5-7pm)
    Water Conservation, Storage and Restoration

  • GRADUATION & CELEBRATION - September 20, 5-7pm

Zoom link for all monthly meetings and skill shares:

Meeting ID: 830 9037 2397; Passcode: 213883

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+16699006833,,83090372397#,,,,*213883# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,83090372397#,,,,*213883# US (Houston)

Dial by your location

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Meeting ID: 830 9037 2397

Passcode: 213883

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Grant Writing Support

Every Wednesday, 10-11 am with Laura Nicodemus

Feel free to stop by if you'd like to learn more about what a grant is, grant-preparedness, get support on a particular grant or work on an idea you'd like to explore. We can also explore using a database like Grant Station to find opportunities. If you can't make the 10-11 slot, feel free to email me at this address or text Laura at 510-289-3613 to set up an alternate time.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 2817 6876

Passcode: 786496

One tap mobile

+16699009128,,81028176876#,,,,*786496# US (San Jose)

+12532158782,,81028176876#,,,,*786496# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location

+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

Upcoming Grants for Resilience Hubs

Fundraising Working Group

Our fundraising efforts have been put on hold as we navigate some organizational complexities. Please stay tuned for updates!

Contact Susan for more information:

Leadership Training Goals

LEARN about people-powered, nature/permaculture-inspired and place-based models and infrastructure for self-sufficiency, through monthly sessions and skill shares with community experts.

DEEPEN relationships with community leaders and local government partners.

Access and collaborate on FUNDING for your emergency preparedness and climate solutions projects.

Be part of the movement to SCALE UP local efforts for a JUST TRANSITION.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Resilience Hubs Leadership Training

We fielded these questions from your Resilience Hubs applications. If you have further questions or concerns feel free to email us:

What will we be learning about during this training session?

To help you guide you/your team in catalyzing your resilience hub or block, you will be learning both "soft skills", from community organizing to conflict resolution, as well as an introduction to "hard skills" such as food growing, solar with battery backup and rain water catchment systems. The training will be taught through a racial and social justice lens, so we will be doing some analysis of some of the root causes of resilience. We are hoping to be able to offer in-person skill shares, pending Health Department guidelines. Though we will provide some suggested readings about the monthly topics, the trainings will be lighter on climate change theory, and much more geared toward action.

What is the level of commitment for the training session?

It depends! Some of you will just be attending the monthly sessions because that might be all the time that you have. We will present you with the opportunity to put these skills into practice, during the monthly Saturday skill shares. It will also be up to you and your team to meet between the sessions, to implement the skills and activities. We hope that you will feel inspired to put the skills you are learning into action. All sessions and skill shares will be recorded for your review.

I have skills I would love to teach!

Great! In addition to our monthly training sessions and skill shares, we will be providing opportunities to YOU, our participants, to teach workshops and skill shares. Want to share your agro-ecology skills? Teach about water conservation? Go for it! We will be providing details about how you can offer these training sessions in February.

I applied as individual, or applied as a Mentor Site. What are my next steps with this program?

We will be sending a separate email to both Mentor Sites and individuals, to advise about specific next steps. Stay Tuned!

What is the role of the local government partners during the training sessions?

We are asking our local government partners to taking a supporting role to catalyze your resilience hubs and blocks. They will be leveraging resources and simply getting to know you all better. They will likely setting up specific times during the course of the training, to answer specific questions.

Do you need any formal training to join?

No! We will be learning together.

Thank you to our government partners: Cities of Oakland, San Leandro, San Rafael, Berkeley, Fremont; County of Alameda, County of Santa Clara StopWaste

Thank you to our business and nonprofit sponsors: Sierra Club's Bay Area Chapter, Climate Resolve, OrcaSong Institute, Vote Solar, SF Landscapes, Great Old Broads for Wilderness