Nostalgic VJ live mix: flicker, digital reminiscence & realtime brainwave analysis
In the last 2 weeks I recorded the brainwaves of each guest using a dry sensor EEG headband, so now they are the live performer in the installation. I am sat opposite in the same room with a Mac M1 mini and my usual minimal VJ setup. Using VDMX software for layering and audio analysis I mix their brain signals into a 12 minute projection recorded down by OBS into an mp4 file. They are seated comfortably with their eyes closed affected by a dynamically changing, flickering white light experience.
We would spend a little time afterwards discussing what they felt and saw, sometimes with their friend or partner. The brainwave EEG signal is the undulating waterfall graphic, it has purposefully been stretched to make the data more aesthetic, less analytic, as I am not a clinic, it is an added important affect with FX inside 4 layers of realtime visual mixing. I have some feedback to share, it will be anonymous, overall certain people really felt a benefit from this unexpected experience, digital reminiscence is beneficial.
The following 4 videos of the last 4 participants : These are 4 layers of vintage media mixed uniquely by VJ token girl for each guest and their audience, with inserts of footage made inside the installation POV using a smartphone.
After the show having watched hours of footage, I could see some editing was needed to composite the POV of the participant into the show for the remote viewer, I used iphone footage of room mixed into the VJ club view to really show how the participant is sat in the installation, eyes closed, and that we viewers watch the room - a projection of their brainwaves combined and interpreted live with vintage postcard media by the artist in her role as VJ Token Girl.