610 Frenchman St.

District: Faubourg Marigny - Full Control

Owner: James L Cahn

HDLC Staff: Dennis Murphy

Rating: Contributing

Applicant: Thompson Steve

Permit #: 24-09588-HDLC 

Description: Request to remove existing deteriorated slate roof for installation of new Permalock aluminum roof shingles at an existing Contributing rated two-story, commercial building.

HDLC Design Guidelines: 

Section 5, Page 3 of the Guidelines for Roofing state that a Slate roof can last 60 to 125 years depending on the roof slope, stone properties, formation, installation quality. and regularity of maintenance. A failing slate often slowly delaminates, chips and absorbs moisture, causing the deterioration process to accelerate over time. Problems with slate roofs are typically the result of localized failure since many of the roof accessories and fasteners do not have the same 100-year life span as the slate itself. To extend the serviceable life of a roof, property owners are encouraged to address localized problems as they become apparent, using a qualified slate roofer. Typical localized problems for slate include loosing or corrosion of fasteners for slate or accessories, split or cracked slate, and missing or damaged slate or roof accessories. If over 20% of the roof slates are damaged or missing, replacement of the roofing might be warranted, although property owners are strongly encouraged to make every attempt to match decorative patterns and colors with replacement materials. Dimensional or architectural fiberglass asphalt shingles are manufactured by several companies, simulating the shapes, color and variegated color appearance of slate.

Staff Recommendations: 

The applicant has provided photographs that document the severely deteriorated condition of the current slate roofing. An exterior visual inspection of the roof was conducted by Staff on April 24, 2024, and confirmed the roof to be in very poor condition from the public right of way. While the roof is only partially visible from Frenchmen Street (particularly at the lake side of the building), it is apparent that a majority of the slate roof tiles are either substantially deteriorated or missing entirely. The applicant is requesting to remove the remaining slate roof to replace it with a new Permalock aluminum metal shingle roof. Removal of slate roofing requires Commission approval, however, new Permalock metal shingles were recently approved by the Commission because they replicate the profiles and appearance of true slate roofing and allow for the reinstallation of existing roof ridge tiles. Based on this, Staff has no objection to the request for roof replacement, provided the existing ridge tiles are reinstalled on the new metal roof.

Context Photos:

Slate Roof Condition Photos - Submitted by Applicant:

Slate Roof Condition Report__SBA.pdf

Example of Permalock Aluminum Shingle Roof - Submitted by Applicant:

Example of Installed Permalock Metal Shingle Roof__SBA.pdf

Street View: