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Musicality and atypical domain of language

Left-handed people engaged in music have a brain that might be privileged. Our study has shown that musical training increases the probability of finding right-handed language dominance in healthy left-handed people by up to 39%, a fact known as "atypical laterality" and which makes these people's brains exceptional. The relationship between both conditions is due to a common facilitating element, according to the results obtained by our work team.

Villar-Rodríguez E., Palomar-García M., Hernández M., Adrián-Ventura J., Olcina-Sempere G., Parcet M., Ávila C. (2020). Left-handed musicians show a higher probability of atypical cerebral dominance for language. Human Brain Mapping. doi: 10.1002/hbm.24929

Musicality and atypical domain of language

Bilingualism protects against dementia


Música y cerebro / Music and brain

What is functional connectivity? / ¿Qué es la conectividad funcional?

El estudio de las conexiones del cerebro en reposo permite predecir la capacidad de aprendizaje

What is addiction? / ¿Qué es la adicción?

Reward system / Sistema de recompensa

The brain is not originally ready to handle more than one language / El cerebro no está preparado inicialmente para el manejo de más de una lengua