Forms and
How to Use Them
How to use these Forms
Club Packet Forms
Together these forms make up the club packet due each semester following club fair.
Funding Request Forms
Event Grant
Up to $300 for on-campus events. Must be free and advertised on campus. Fill out and turn into CFO with a cover letter.
Research Presentation Grant
Only for funding for going to a conference where YOU will be presenting new research. Fill out and turn into CFO with a cover letter.
Community Grant
For performing community service and outreach. Fill out and turn into CFO with a cover letter.
Senate Bill
General form that must be filled out for any Senate Bill, regardless of what the bill hopes to achieve. Once filled out, attach any needed forms and letters and submit to the Vice President. You or a representative MUST be at the Senate meeting when your bill is being discussed. Failure to show will result in the bill being tabled or thrown out.
Senate Bill Application
Must be filled out if requesting any money through a senate bill. Fill out and attach to the Senate Bill with any other needed forms and cover letter. Submit to the Vice President.
Travel Funding Request
Must be filled out if requesting money through a Senate Bill for travelling. Fill out and attach to the Senate Bill with any other needed forms and cover letter. Submit to the Vice President.
Reimbursement Forms
Petty Cash Reimbursement
For reimbursements less than $100. Fill out and attach all ITEMIZED receipts to the form then submit it to the CFO.
Direct Payment
For reimbursements more than $100. Attach all ITEMIZED receipts and a filled out Petty Cash Reimbursement Form. You only have to attach a blank Direct Pay form to a filled out Petty Cash Reimbursement Form. The CFO will fill out all the information on the Direct Pay form.
Travel Request Form
If you are traveling and intend to be reimbursed for the traveling, this must be filled out BEFORE you leave. Submit to CFO.
Travel Reimbursement Voucher
Fill this out once you return from your trip. Attach all itemized receipts to the voucher. Can only be submitted if the Travel Request Form was submitted before you left. Submit to CFO.
Other Forms
Fill out and submit to the Dean of Students, Melissa Jaramillo, in Brown 26 to be placed on the ballot.