KTEK and the SAC
I will put some info here sometime
Student Activities Center
The SAC is a building on the South end of campus that serves multiple functions. Inside the SAC there is an auditorium, Campus Police Dispatch and offices, TARA's office, and KTEK's office.
The Auditorium
The Auditorium is a large space that can hold up to 300 people. There is a stage, sound, and light equipment there to do things with. The auditorium can be reserved through Auxiliary Services on the second floor of Fidel. To use any of the equipment in the SAC, you must also make arrangements with the SATD.
Campus Police
They are cool. Check them out: http://www.nmt.edu/police/
Tech Amateur Radio Association. They are an old club who rent out one of KTEK's offices for their own purposes.
KTEK is a radio station that is chartered as an Executive Agency. They oversee their radio station as well as all of the SAC equipment.