Attendance & DISTANCE Learning Policies

Attendance / Política de asistencia

Our automated system will contact the home of every student with one or more unverified absence for that day. Please return the call to verify or excuse the absence. You have only three (3) days to excuse the absence.

The attendance office can be reached at (510) 818-4350 [English] or at (510) 818-4352 [español] .

In order to excuse an absence:

  1. Leave a message and speak slowly.
    Deja un mensaje y habla despacio por favor.

  2. Say and spell the student's full name.
    Diga y deletrea el nombre completo del alumno.

  3. Say the date of the absence.
    Diga la fecha de la ausencia.

  4. Give the reason.
    Da la razón.

  5. Tell your relationship to the student.
    Diga su relación al alumno.

  6. Give your telephone number.
    Da su numero de teléfono.

The school may also apply other consequences for unexcused absences. A physician's note is required to excuse more than 10 absences due to illness. Students may be referred to a School Attendance Review Board (SARB) hearing for not complying with the attendance policy.

Academic Honesty / Honestidad académica

NMHS Academic Honesty Policy.2020-21
NMHS Academic Honesty Policy.2020-21.Spanish

Student Expectations During Distance Learning

Distance Learning Expectations for Students

Synchronous v. Asynchronous instruction

NMHS.Synchronous v. Asynchronous Instruction.Distance Learning 2020