26th International Symposium on Translation and Interpretation (2022)
Re-anchoring Translation:Perspectives and Prospects
June 10, 2022 National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Conference Theme [研討會主題]
Re-anchoring Translation: Perspectives and Prospects
【翻譯之重新定錨: 觀點與展望 】
Facing ongoing advances in AI technology and unpredictable pandemic development, coupled with the challenge of achieving the Taiwan government’s objective of becoming a bilingual nation in 2030, we arrive at the crossroads where we are compelled to consider how to re-anchor translation and seek its new role in a different context.As of today, the development of translation has spanned over 2,500 years. It started with classical Hebrew scripture translated into the Arabic language in approximately 5th century BC, followed by the Old Testament being translated into Greek, as well as the translation of many Greek classics, e.g., the Iliad, the Odyssey, and Plato’s works into Latin. At the end of the 4th century, Buddhist texts written in Sanskrit were translated into Chinese. Ancient men of letters, including Cicero and Horace, favored the sense-for-sense translation approach, not the word-for-word approach. In the Middle Ages, translation played a new role in disseminating the words of God. St. Jerome, Wycliffe, and Luther, the well-known translators of the Bible and the New Testament, held that translation should focus on conveying meaning without adhering to the form of the original text. By the time of the Renaissance, translation was used for multiple purposes, and it was taken as a major channel for the public to access and acquire knowledge. At that time, three heavyweight translation scholars, Denham, Cowley, and Dryden, proposed free translation and placed focus on textual recreation in the target language. In modern times, the debate over translation as creative art or mechanical reproduction never ceased, with Coleridge seeking imagination in translation and Schlegel insisting on retaining the original form. With the passage of time, translation has been identified as a social action, and the governments of certain countries even used translation as a medium to transmit their political ideologies. Meanwhile, there emerged a multitude of translation theories that helped open up pluralistic insightful views and perspectives in translation studies.
Pedagogical methods in translation and the translation industry have also undergone an enormous transformation due to the rapid development of translation technology over the past decades. Translation teaching saw a paradigm shift from the product-oriented approach, including literary translation criticism, error analysis, contrastive analysis, and grammar-translation methods, to the process-oriented approach, including task/project-based translation, translation process analysis (such as think-aloud and eye-tracking methods), situated translation learning, and relevant others. Its upgrade has paid much attention to the application of information technology, including media translation, computer-assisted translation, pre/post-editing with machine translation, and multimodal translation, so it demonstrates high versatility in translation teaching. Additionally, the translation industry has been using translation memory tools, neural machine translation systems, and terminology databases to enhance translation productivity and efficiency.
Translation research, teaching, and industry are constantly evolving and mutually impacting each other. They require translation scholars, instructors, and translators to reconsider where they can be taken to for the creation of maximum research momentum, and an increase in the pedagogical benefit and business profit. Now, we are driven to rediscover, redefine and reassess the multi-faceted developments of translation. We hope to garner, through this symposium platform, different ideas on the role of translation in the context of global communication, the multiple functions of translation technology, the impact of translation on the evolution of human history, the integration of translation and multiculturalism, and other relevant topics that deserve public sharing and discussion.
身處在AI科技環繞的場域中,如今又面臨變化莫測的瘟情以及迎接2030年臺灣成為雙語國家目標的挑戰,我們是否可停駐下來,重新思索翻譯的定位與角色,俾能在不同語境中找到翻譯嶄新的定錨處!截至今日,翻譯翻譯發展已經長達約2500年。約於西元前五世紀,希伯來語經文開始被譯入阿拉伯語,接著舊約被譯入希臘語,同時許多希臘古典名著如Iliad、Odyssey 與Plato的作品都被譯入拉丁語。於西元四世紀末期,佛教梵文也被譯入漢語。當時翻譯學者如Cicero 與Horace皆倡導使用「字詞意義對照字詞意義」(sense for sense)的翻譯方法,而不鼓勵「字對字」(word for word)的翻譯方法。到了中世紀,翻譯成為散播神明話語的重要媒介。知名的聖經和新約譯者如St. Jerome、Wycliffe、Luther,皆認為翻譯應以傳達意義為主,而不該拘泥於原文的形式,卻造成另類學派之反彈,認為如此有蔑視教會和宗教權威之嫌。到了文藝復興時期,翻譯用途更加多元,亦被視為民眾獲取知識的途徑。當時重量級翻譯學者,如Deham、Cowley、Dryden,仍偏好自由翻譯方法,認為翻譯可使用目標語來創作文本。當代時期,針對翻譯究竟是創作或機械性複製的議題,引起很大關注與辯論。其中Coleridge 認為翻譯想像力很重要,但Schlegel 則堅持要保留原著的形式。隨著時間轉移,翻譯逐漸成為一種社會活動,許多國家政府甚至將翻譯視為意識形態和政治觀點的傳輸媒介;同時各種不同的翻譯理論也隨之興起,包括Nida, House與Baker倡導的文化導向翻譯等值(cultural-oriented equivalence)、Jakobson與Vinay & Darbelnet 倡導的語言導向的翻譯等值(linguistic-oriented equivalence)、Catford提出的文化等值及語言等值分類理論 (taxonomy of cultural equivalence and linguistic equivalence)、Even-Zohar提出的多元系統理論(theory of polysystems)、Reiss的文本類型理論(text typology)、Gutt的文化關聯理論(cultural relevance)、Venuti的異化與歸化理論(foreignization & domestication)、Vermeer的目的論 (skopos)、 Bastin的全面與局部的改寫(global and local adaptations)等,這些理論不斷為翻譯研究開創不同的觀點與視野。
Call for Abstracts [摘要]
Re-anchoring Translation: Perspectives and Prospects
【翻譯之重新定錨: 觀點與展望 】
Topics of abstracts may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Professional translation and translation competencest 專業翻譯與譯者能力
Translator’s role and tasks 譯者角色與任務
Translation and gender 翻譯與性別
Translation and ideology 翻譯與意識形態
Technology-enhanced translation and its assessment 翻譯科技應用與效益評估
Translation publication and its new role 翻譯出版與定位
Translation curriculum design and evaluation 翻譯教學課程設計與評量
Studies in translation teaching 翻譯教學研究
Translation pedagogy 翻譯教學方法
Translation industry and its trends 翻譯產業現況與趨勢調查
Technology application in the translation industry 科技應用與翻譯產業之關係
Evolution of translation studies 翻譯研究發展與展望
Evolution of translation theories 翻譯理論反思
Other relevant topics in translation 其他翻譯相關子題
Important Dates [重要日期]
Short abstract due: February 7, 2022 (Chinese, English or Japanese abstract; no more than 1,000 words plus CV, emailed to Yen Chen Yu (F108132105@nkust.edu.tw)
Acceptance notification: March 1, 2022
Long abstract deadline: May 2, 2022 (8 pages minimum)
Contact persons: Yen Chen Yu (F108132105@nkust.edu.tw) & Yvette Jiang (F108132104@nkust.edu.tw)
Tel: 07-6011000#35902 Fax: 886-7-601-1095
論文摘要投稿截稿日期:2022年2月7日(中或英文短摘要總字數限定在1,000字以內,稿件請投稿至電子信箱:顏辰宇 (f108132105@nkust.edu.tw)