Call for Abstracts [摘要投稿]

Re-anchoring Translation: Perspectives and Prospects

翻譯之重新定錨: 觀點與展望

Topics of abstracts may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Professional translation and translation competencest 專業翻譯與譯者能力

  • Translator’s role and tasks 譯者角色與任務

  • Translation and gender 翻譯與性別

  • Translation and ideology 翻譯與意識形態

  • Technology-enhanced translation and its assessment 翻譯科技應用與效益評估

  • Translation publication and its new role 翻譯出版與定位

  • Translation curriculum design and evaluation 翻譯教學課程設計與評量

  • Studies in translation teaching 翻譯教學研究

  • Translation pedagogy 翻譯教學方法

  • Translation industry and its trends 翻譯產業現況與趨勢調查

  • Technology application in the translation industry 科技應用與翻譯產業之關係

  • Evolution of translation studies 翻譯研究發展與展望

  • Evolution of translation theories 翻譯理論反思

  • Other relevant topics in translation 其他翻譯相關

Important Dates [重要日期]

Short abstract due: February 7, 2022 (Chinese, English or Japanese abstract; no more than 1,000 words plus CV, emailed to Yen Chen Yu (

Acceptance notification: March 1, 2022

Long abstract deadline: May 2, 2022 (8 pages minimum)

Contact persons: Yen Chen Yu ( & Yvette Jiang (

Tel: 07-6011000#35902 Fax: 886-7-601-1095

論文摘要投稿截稿日期:202227(中或英文短摘要總字數限定在1,000字以內,稿件請投稿至電子信箱:顏辰宇 (


