Top 10:

Google Slides

Top 10 features, tricks and tips for creating engaging Google Slides presentations!

Need "Google Slides 101?" Check out this resource from Google.

1. Start with

Simply go to to automatically start a new presentation!

(Also works with and

Copy of Hortensius · SlidesCarnival

2. Better Templates with SlidesCarnival

Google's templates are limiting and b-o-r-i-n-g. Save SlidesCarnival templates to add color, design, and iconography to your slidedeck. Learn how.

3. Save Time with the Explore Button

Use the Explore button in the bottom right corner! "Find and add suggested content based on what's in your presentation in Google Slides. You can also search your docs and the web from within a presentation." Learn how.

4. Don't Crop Images; 'Mask' Them

Instead of cropping an image into a rectangle, use the drop-down menu to mask the image - it can be a triangle, or a speech bubble, or an explosion! Learn how.

5. Embed GIFs (moving images!)

GIFs are animated images that play in a loop like a video. You can embed these in your Google Slides to add some excitement and engage your students! Learn how.

6. Embed & Autoplay Video

Easily embed videos from YouTube and Drive in your slidedeck.

Teacher Hack: embed a timer and set it to autoplay when you move to the next slide! Learn how.

7. Use the Laser Pointer!

When you present in Google Slides, you can turn your mouse cursor into a laser pointer! Simply click on the snake-like icon in the bottom toolbar. Learn how.

8. Use Closed Captioning

This is crazy. While you're presenting, you can have Google Slides automatically show closed captioning - aka the text of what you're saying while you're saying it. WILD. While this should be used with caution (it can pick up others' voices, for example), it can support all students who are emerging readers and emerging multi-linguists. Learn how.

9. Link Slides

When you copy and paste a slide from another presentation, any updates you make to one will not transfer to the other. Now you can link these slides to automatically update when the original is changed. Learn how.

10. Present from Your Phone!

Instead of buying a fancy presentation clicker, why not use your phone? Simply add the Remote for Slides extension to your Chromebook. When you go to the specified link on the screen, you'll be able to control the presentation from your phone. Magic! Learn how.


You're not a guru with slides until you know how to edit the master slidedeck...

Have a graph you want to show? Embed it so that it automatically updates!

Drag and drop text & images between your slides and your Google Keep notes.

My favorite site for creative commons licensed photos.

Icons are super helpful in supporting text. Iconfinder is my favorite site for them.