Harnessing the Power of Creation with Chromebooks

About This Session

Educators will be able to...

  1. Explain how Chromebooks can support creation and amplify student voice in class
  2. Use a backwards design process to plan creative tasks that integrate digital tools
  3. Integrate a digital creation tool into a future unit of study

Chromebooks have taken American classrooms by storm, comprising 60% of all devices in American K-12 schools today. But these light, fast, cheap devices are often underutilized as their deployment focuses primarily on word processing and assessment.
To harness the true power of Chromebooks is not to focus on flashy apps but rather skills for the future. How are we preparing students for the globally-connected, digital world of tomorrow? In this session, educators will use a backwards design process to plan creative tasks that integrate digital tools.
2018.08.15 - Propel Schools - Create with Chromebooks

When we allow kids to create, what skills/mindsets/habits do we foster in them?

Padlet of Responses


Questions to consider when integrating new technology

    1. What will the student experience be like?
    2. How time consuming is it to use the tool?
    3. What skills will students need to be able to use it?
    4. What possible uses could this have?
    5. Future units? Interdisciplinary opportunities?
    6. How will I get feedback and input from students?
    7. Who will benefit from using this tool? Who won't?