Sharing #Beyond4

Digital Portfolios

“The portfolio is a laboratory where students construct meaning from their accumulated experience.”

Paulson & Paulson, 1991

via Helen Barrett,



  • Celebrate Learning
  • Capture Learning
  • Demonstrate Learning
  • Assess Learning
  • Reflect on Learning


  • Application (school, program, job)
  • Assessment / Accountability
  • Planning
  • Presenting / Sharing



Learner gathers artifacts (items that may become part of the final e-portfolio) based on the purpose, audience, and current/future use of the e-portfolio.


Learner, often in collaboration with the teacher, develop criteria for choosing artifacts to include in the eportfolio based on established learning objectives.


Learner documents how a particular artifact shows growth in specific curricular requirements or learning goals.

(credit to Alice Kristie,

What Can Be Embedded?

    1. Google Docs (notes, essays, reflections, research)
    2. Google Slides (presentations, slideshows)
    3. YouTube videos (screencasts, films, interviews)
    4. Google Photos (experiences, artwork, sketchnotes)
    5. Google Drive folders (resources, series)
    6. Google Sheets (data sets, data visualizations)
    7. Google Drawings (memes, infographics, visuals)
    8. Google Maps (historical maps, tours, streetview views)
    9. Google Culture Institute (curated exhibits, artifacts)
    10. Google Calendars (milestones, performances, events)
    11. Virtually any website…
      1. Padlet
      2. Smore
      3. Tackk
      4. Thinglink
      5. Photos
      6. Canva