Space Clearing

A clean environment is vital for a clean mind, body and soul.

Do you suffer from..

  • - Energetic clutter?

  • - Ghosts or negative entities?

  • Or more?

Space clearing is vital to keep the positive flow of energy moving through your environment. Just as we tend to walk dirt in to these places, we also carry different vibrations, energies or entities with us. These can disrupt the flow of energy so it is important to give it a good energetic clean.

At Nilagni reiki I use various methods such as Smudging, Symbols, Crystals and Invocation of Higher Beings to clean out any unwanted energy and to bring back a calm sense of peace to your space. This is great for people dealing with energetic imbalanced spaces and negative entities.

It is important to keep your environment not only physically clean but energetically clean too. A clean environment has tremendous effect on the state of your consciousness, so let us help you maintain or reestablish this cleanliness.

For more information or to book a session please contact me on:

Cell or Whatsapp: 084 597 3613