Reiki & Shiatsu Combination

Like art, deep relaxation comes from combining what exists into what has never existed before.

Do you suffer from..

  • - Bodily Aches and Pains?

  • - Physical Trauma?

  • - Stress?

  • - Emotional Trauma?

  • - Insomnia?

  • - Lack of Focus?

  • - Lack of Self Esteem?

  • Or more?

Reiki and Shiatsu as individual therapies are incredibly deeply relaxing and at Nilagni Reiki I have combined the two arts together in a combination session of Reiki and Shiatsu just for you.

This session will ease out any physical tension with a deeply relaxing Shiatsu massage and then ease out any energetic tension with a Reiki session. The deeper the state of relaxation for our clients the deeper the energy work can penetrate and release the physical or subtle energy that stops them from performing at a more vibrant, focused and centred state of being.

For more information or to book a session please contact me on:

Cell or Whatsapp: 084 597 3613