Animal Healing

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.

Does your Animal Companion suffer from..

  • - Physical pain?

  • - Emotional Trauma?

  • - Stress?

  • - Lack of Focus?

  • - Lack of Discipline?

  • - Dietary issues?

  • Or more?

At Nilagni Reiki I offer sessions specifically suited to your companion/s. This is similar to the healing touch therapy. Animals tend to carry around the stresses of their owners or environments, especially if they perform high intensity jobs such as horses.

It is our responsibility to see to it that our companions are properly taken care of. At Nilagni Reiki I can help to alleviate their various trauma's or tensions and connect you to your animal companion/s to gain a better understanding of who they are and what they need to promote healthy, happy living for both you and them.

For more information or to book a session please contact me on:

Cell or Whatsapp: 084 597 3613