
Door Lock / Fingerprint Sensor , 2019

Designed and Built a Lock for Conventional Doors with a Fingerprint Sensor Integrated

Micro Needle , 2019

Designed and Analysed a Micro Needle Capable of Eliminating Kidney Stones

Heat Exchanger , 2016

Designed ,Analysed and Optimized Shell and Tube and motorcycle Heat Exchangers

Radiator , 2018

Optimized a Radiator to Achieve better Air-conditioning using COMSOL

image courtesy of shutterstock.com

Linear Controller , 2017

Designed and Analysed a PID Controller Utilized for Positioning a Satellite Finder (Using MATLAB)

Self-Stabilizing Spoon ,2017

Designed and Built a Spoon capable of Hand vibration Recognition and Rejection

using Arduino Nano, Servo-motors, and Accelerometer