GOing Out...


I am an ex National Badminton Player. I have won multiple state and national level intercollegiate tournaments. Badminton or any sport teaches you a multitude of things from staying calm under pressure. How hard work beats talent, it is okay to lose but it is not okay to quit, respect for your opponents, having a positive competitive spirit and so on.

I try to practice these teachings that the sport of Badminton has taught me and implement them in other areas of my life.

solo budget venture to bhutan -

After my 3rd year of undergraduate studies, I had an option of doing an internship or going on a solo, budget, backpacking venture to Bhutan. And, when I reflect back, I am so happy that I chose the latter. This venture taught me things no internship can.

Right from talking to people in a completely different land to making friends with them. From not having any hotel bookings to living with the locals. From never calculating expenses to completing the whole trip in 12,000 Rupees.

A solo trip is one of the few gifts that you can give to yourself :)

Link to my talk on the same: https://collegerama.tudelft.nl/Mediasite/Play/772c620812aa4b73b0d9e11fc983261a1d

hikes in the Himalayas

Go to the mountains! They teach you virtues like humility, gratitude and happiness. When you see people in the mountains living without electricity happily and in such terrible conditions, what have you got to complaint? When you are on the top of a huge mountain and you see an even bigger and higher mountain in front of you, it teaches you to be humble. The bonds you form with the people and nature when during a trek are eternal because you have been together during the worst of times.

Feel free to connect if you want to hear more experiences.