
Задание на 26.11.2020. Выполнить до 28.11.2020

Тема: Англоговорящие страны

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English-speaking countries

The popularity of the English language

There are over 300 million people in the world speaking English. English is used as an official language (along with a few others) in many international organisations, such as UN and IOC. This language is recognized as the state language in a lot of countries all over the world.

Great Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. There are 64 million people in Great Britain whose first language is English (97% of population). London, the capital of Great Britain, is one of the leading global cities. It is the political, economic and cultural centre of the country. Great Britain has always been a Great Power and contributed a lot to the development of new territories.


The history of the USA started with 13 British colonies set along the Atlantic coast. On July, 4, 1776 they proclaimed their independence from Great Britain. Today the country consists of 50 states and the federal District of Columbia, where Washington, the capital of the USA, is located. It is one of the most developed countries in the world, with English being the first language for about 80% of its population.


The first European colonists came to this country from France. But after that for many years Canada was under British rule until the country gained its independence in the XX century. There are two official languages in Canada. English is the first language for nearly 70% of Canadians. Canada is the second largest country in the world with rich oil, coal and natural gas fields.


Australia is the only country in the world which occupies the whole continent. The exploration of the continent began in the late XVIII century when the first British colonies were formed. Australia was a place where prisoners were serving their sentences in exile. Today the country is among the most developed countries in the world, with 80% of the population speaking Australian English.

New Zealand

New Zealand occupies two large islands and many small ones in the south-western part of the Pacific Ocean. First Europeans started visiting New Zealand in the late XVIII century with the territory being announced as a British colony in 1788. The country gained its independence in the middle of the XX century. New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries in the world with unique flora and fauna. English is spoken by more than 96% of the population.

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Задание на 3 декабря Выполнить до 5 декабря.

Тема Государственное устройство Великобритании .

Уважаемые студенты, напишите, пожалуйста по данной теме краткое сообщение .

Задание на 13 .01 .2021 Выполнить до 15 .01 .2021

Тема : Транспорт в Великобритании .

Внимательно прочитайте текст ,выпишите предложения с видаplane, by train, by car or by ship. The fastest way is by plane. London has three international airports: Heathrow, the largest, connected to the city by underground; Gatwick, south of London, with a frequent train service; Luton, the smallest, used for charter flights.

If you go to England by train or by car you have to cross the Channel. There is a frequent service of steamers and ferryboats which connect the continent to the south-east of England.

People in Britain drive on the left and generally overtake on the right. The speed limit is 30 miles per hour (50 km/h) in towns and cities and 70 m.p.h. (110 km/h) on motorways.

When you are in London you can choose from four different means of transport: bus, train, underground or taxi. The typical bus in London is a red double-decker. The first London bus started running between Paddington and the City in 1829. It carried 40 passengers and cost a shilling for six kms.

The next to arrive were the trains; now there are twelve railway stations in London. The world's first underground line was opened between Baker St. and the City in 1863. Now there are ten underground lines and 273 underground stations in use. The London underground is also called the Tube, because of the circular shape of its deep tunnels.

Задание на 20 .01 .2021 Выполнить до 22 .01 2021

Тема : Городской транспорт в Великобритании

London has the largest public transport networks in the world. During an average working day the buses and Underground tube trains carry about 5.5 million people, and travel over 800,000 km. London Regional Transport have overall responsibility for the buses and the Underground system.

The London Underground

The world’s first Underground line was opened between Baker Street and the City in 1863. There are now 273 London Underground stations in use, along with tracts covering 404 km. Sometimes the system is nicknamed «the tube’. You can get free Underground maps from Underground ticket offices, and they are displayed around the stations. There are nine Underground lines, each one named and given its own colour or black and white pattern on the map.

Inside a Station

Underground stations have complicated tunnel networks. Apart from the train routes, tunnels need to be built for lifts, escalators, emergency exits, ventilation fans and pedestrian walkways between the different tracks. Early Underground tunnels were built near the surface, by the «cut and cover» method: digging a trench, building a tunnel in it, and then covering it over. The term «tube» really applies to the deep tunnels built in this century. Deep vertical shafts are dug along the route, and then joined together horizontally, reinforced with a protective shield.

On the Buses

The first London bus started running in 1829, between Paddington and the City. It was a horse-drawn coach called an «omnibus», meaning «for all». In the late nineteenth century trams became popular. They were pulled by horses along special tracks. Later, electric trams and trolleybuses were used. In the early 1900s the first motorized buses were introduced. Today’s London double-deckers are the result of many years’ technical development. London buses were used in both World Wars. During World War One the took troops to the front. You can see one nicknamed «Ole Bill» at the Imperial War Museum.

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Задание на 27 .01 .2021 Выполнить до 29 .01 2021


Simple City Tour

Dear guests, Let me tell you about my favorite city and show its historical and architectural sights. /

Please, pay your attention to this historical building.

This is the best observation place of the city. You can admire the view of the river and the embankment from here. /

The city’s attractions – городские достопримечательности

Sightseeing – осмотр достопримечательностей

Observation deck – смотровая площадка

Viewing point – место для наблюдения

historical data – исторические данные

date/ place of foundation of the city – дата/ место основания города

tour of the historical route – экскурсия по историческому маршруту

architectural ensemble – архитектурный ансамбль

the statue/ monument – статуя/ памятник

Уважаемые студенты .представьте что вы совершаете поездку экскурсию по городу на автобусе в роли гида

.Напишите свой монолог .

Задание на 17 .03 .2021 Выполнить до 19 .03 .2021

Повторим грамматику . Напишите ,пожалуйста , вопросы к данным предложениям .

"Типы вопросительных предложений" (с ответами)

1. Задайте общие вопросы к предложениям.

Н-р: Mary grows beautiful flowers in the garden. (Мэри выращивает красивые цветы в саду.) – Does Mary grow flowers in the garden? (Мэри выращивает цветы в саду?)

The weather is cold today. (Сегодня холодная погода.) – Is the weather cold today? (Погода холодная сегодня?)

  1. John was tired after work. (Джон устал после работы.)

  2. We live in a small town. (Мы живем в маленьком городке.)

  3. Summer has started at last. (Лето началось, наконец-то.)

  4. They have already left. (Ониужеушли.)

  5. My parents got married in Paris. (Мои родители поженились в Париже.)

  6. She can lose her temper easily. (Она может легко выйти из себя.)

  7. The party will start in time. (Вечеринканачнетсявовремя.)

  8. The dogs are sleeping. (Собакиспят.)

  9. The umbrella was broken. (Зонтбылсломан.)

  10. He always gives money to homeless children. (Он всегда дает деньги беспризорным детям.)

Задание на 11.05.2021г. Выполнить до 12 .05.2021 г.

Тема : Мясо . Рыба .

Meat and fish Мясо и рыба

Важнознать!Английские слова «food»и «meal».Вчем между ними разница? Запомнить просто: вы идете в магазин и покупаете еду (food). А затем, при помощи своего кулинарного искусства превращаете food в meal, то есть в кушанье, в то, что можно съесть за один раз. Meal может состоять из одного, двух и более блюд, которые в английском называются courses. Например, обед из 3 блюд —dinner of three courses. Основное блюдо в меню будет называться—main course, первое блюдо -first course и т.д. Также в английском в значении "блюдо, кушанье" употребляется слово dish.






Lamb-мясо молодого барашка

Mutton-мясо взрослой овцы



Poultry-мясо домашней птицы

Chicken-куриное мясо



Gamebirds-пернатая дичь




Fish soup-уха

Seafish–морская рыба





Mackerel–макрель, скумбрия

Herring -сельдь

Sardine -сардина

Trout -форель

Salmon–лосось, семга

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2021 - 2022 УЧЕБНЫЙ ГОД

ЗАДАНИЕ НА 11. 11. 21год ВЫПОЛНИТЬ ДО 12. 11 .21года


1. Прочитать и перевести письменно текст,

One kind of partnership is called a limited liability partnership. These have full partners and limited partners. Limited partners may not share as much in the profits, but they also have less responsibility for the business. Doctors, lawyers and accountants often form partnerships to share their risks and profits. A husband and wife can form a business partnership together.

Partnerships exist only for as long as the owners remain alive. The same is true of individual proprietorships. But corporations are designed to have an unlimited lifetime.

A corporation is the most complex kind of business organization. Corporations can sell stock as a way to raise money. Stock represents shares of ownership in a company. Investors who buy stock can trade their shares or keep them as long as the company is in business.

A company might use some of its earnings to pay dividends as a reward to shareholders. Or the company might reinvest the money back into the business.

If shares lose value, investors can lose all of the money they paid for their stock. But shareholders are not responsible for the debts of the corporation.

A corporation is recognized as an entity – its own legal being, separate from its owners. A board of directors controls corporate policies. The directors appoint top company officers. The directors might or might not hold shares in the corporation. Corporations can have a few major shareholders. Or ownership can be spread among the general public. But not all corporations are traditional businesses that sell stock. Some nonprofit groups are also organized as corporations.

задание высылать на мою электронную почту nidenova@gmail.com

Задание на 18 .11 .2021г. Выполнить до 20 .11 .2021 г.

Тема Акционерное Общество

Как появились АО

Первым АО считается Генуэзский банк, созданный в 16-ом веке для обслуживания государственных займов. Капитал, с помощью которого он открылся, был поделен на доли и свободно оборачивался, а все, кто имел доли, получал дивиденды.

Ещё более соответствует требованиям, предъявляемым к АО, созданная в 17-ом веке Ост-Индская компания, объединяющая Голландские промышленные компании. Доли капитала её участников стали называться акциями, подтверждающими права участников общества.

Структура АО и схема управления

Структура менеджмента предприятия имеет три ступени:

  1. Общее собрание акционеров. Участники осуществляют управление и администрирование с помощью этого органа. К управлению подключаются держатели тех акций, владение которым даёт право голоса;

  2. Совет директоров, иногда он называется наблюдательным советом. Он определяет путь развития АО и контролирует деятельность исполнительных структур;

  3. Исполнительные органы в лице ген. директора и состава правления. Эти органы несут ответственность за убытки (и за прибыли), допущенные по их вине.

Уважаемые студенты переведите текст на английский язык и вышлите работу на мой адрес :nidenova@gmail.com

ЗАДАНИЕ НА 03 .02 .22 Г. ВЫПОЛНИТЬ ДО 04 .02 .22 Г.

Тема : Банки и их деятельность .A bank is a financial company that deals with money, securities and precious metals. If you need a certain amount of money, you can come to the bank and apply for a cash loan. After the bank approves your application, a contract is concluded between the client and the bank in which all conditions are stipulated. Loans are short-term or long-term, and are issued at a certain percentage. The client is given a schedule, according to which he must pay a fixed amount of money every month. This amount includes the loan itself, and the interest for using money. The client can also repay the loan in full with a one-time payment, thereby reducing the interest rate. Banks give their customers plastic cards, from which ATMs can always and everywhere withdraw the required amount. Plastic cards can also pay for any purchases or services. Banks can provide money not only to individuals, but also to huge companies, industries.

Also people in banks can store their savings. The bank not only protects other people's money, but also pays interest to its depositors for the right to use this money. When the depositor needs to withdraw the entire amount from his account, he comes to the bank and receives the money deposited.

For any bank it is very important to earn an excellent reputation and try to keep it. The quality of the bank's work will depend on the number of depositors and other customers wishing to avail themselves of banking services.

Without banks, any economy can not develop. Investors will remain without money, and will not be able to implement their projects. Such industries as engineering, agriculture, chemical industry, mining and forestry, will not be able to successfully develop and

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Задание на 10 .02 .22г. Выполнить до 11.02.22г.

Тема : Основы маркетинга .

What is Marketing?

A market can be defined as all the potential customers sharing a particular need or want. Marketing is the process of developing, pricing, distributing and promoting the goods or services that satisfy such needs. Marketing therefore combines market research, new product development, distribution, advertising, promotion, product improvement, and so on. According to this definition, marketing begins and ends with the customer. Truly successful marketing understands the customers so well that the product or service satisfies a need so perfectly that the customer is desperate to buy it. The product almost sells itself. Of course this will only happen if the product or service is better than those of competitors.

Companies are always looking for marketing opportunities – possibilities of filling unsatisfied needs in areas in which they are likely to enjoy a differential advantage, due to their particular competencies. Marketing opportunities are generally isolated by market segmentation – dividing a market into submarkets or segments according to customers’ requirements or buying habits. Once a target market has been identified, a company has to decide what goods or services to offer, always remembering the existence of competitors.

Marketers do not only identify consumer needs, they can anticipate them by developing new products. They will then have to design marketing strategies and plan marketing programmes, and then organize, implement, and control the marketing effort. Once the basic offer, for example a product concept has been established, the company has to think about the marketing mix – the set of all the various elements of a marketing programme, their integration, and the amount of effort that a company can expend on them in order to influence the target market. The best-known classification of these elements is the 4 P’s: Product, Price, Promotion and Place.

Aspects to be considered in marketing a product include its quality, its features, style, brand name, size, packaging, services and guarantee, while price includes consideration of things like the basic list price, discounts, the length of the payment period, and possible credit terms. Place in a marketing mix includes such factors as distribution channels, coverage of the market, locations of points of sale, inventory size, and so on. Promotion groups together advertising, publicity, sales promotions, and personal selling.

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Задание на 17 .02.22г. Выполнить до 18 .02.22г.

Тема : Кредитование . и налогообложение .

Прочитайте и воспроизведите диалог.

—Hello. Can I help you? — Здравствуйте. Чем могу помочь?

— I want to get a loan at your bank.

What is your interest on the loan?

— Я хочу получить кредит в вашем

банке. Какие у вас проценты по


— Interest corresponds to the credit

term. You can see them on the notice


— Проценты соответствуют сроку

кредита. Вы можете посмотреть на

доске объявлений.

— What are the preconditions for

getting a credit card?

— Какие предварительные условия

для получения кредитной карты?

— You must sign a contract and open

the loan facility account with our bank.

— Вы должны подписать договор и

открыть кредитный счет в нашем

банке. В диалоге выберите и выпишите основные фразы .Моя почта :nidenova@gmai.com

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