Good teaching starts with fostering positive relationships. The culture of a classroom, a school and even a school district is measured in relationships.

Our students perform better, have more confidence, and develop resilience when positive relationships with adults exist within the school.

Teachers who invest in relationships with students and colleagues are in a better position to improve. Leaders who promote growth depend on relationships to create an environment where trust and enthusiasm bind everyone together. Schools that thrive take a mindful approach to nurturing relationships within the school and community.


Students deserve engaged teachers. When we talk about the value of engaging students, the conversation should start with the adults working together to create a culture where teachers are completely invested in their craft.

A commitment to improved engagement leads to growth for students. When educators take risks and honor the education profession by engaging in their own learning and collaborating with others, students benefit.

Teachers need leadership to foster true professional engagement. Our work must include embracing the curiosity our students exhibit and delivering our best effort everyday.


We have a moral and professional obligation to help students and colleagues develop a love for learning and a desire for personal growth.

An education system that puts students and families first relies upon talented professionals and the community sharing the same vision.

My teachers and coaches helped me in countless ways. Under their guidance I gained confidence and an appreciation for learning. Every child should be so lucky.

Mentors and coaches continue to play a valuable role in my life. My relationships with people have helped me learn and grow.