Nick Gregory

Teacher Writer Photographer Coach

I am passionate about learning and I lead with enthusiasm. Above all, I am curious. My ability to adapt has led to incredible opportunities in the education profession. I have middle and high school coaching, teaching and administration experience. I am a veteran teacher, primarily serving as a high school American Government and Economics teacher. I have taught five different social studies courses in addition to summer school, journalism, TV Production and an alternative education program called Reconnecting Youth.

I have served as a National Writing Project Teacher consultant and high school basketball coach for more than a dozen years and I have been integral in the design, implementation and teaching for new programs aimed at engaging students. I am currently serving as the co-chair of our School Improvement Committee and I have served our Building Leadership Team for four years.

In 2015, I became involved in shaping educational policy at the national level through the America Achieves Fellowship and I currently serve as a Lead Fellow for America Achieves. I am a fierce advocate for the teaching profession.