

Cantarella, M., N. Fraccaroli and R. Volpe (2024) Does Language Prevent Policy Take-Up? Evidence from the Italian Start-Up Act, Research Policy, volume 53, issue 6.

Fraccaroli, N., A. Giovannini, J.F. Jamet and E. Persson (2023) Central Banks in Parliaments: A text analysis of the parliamentary hearings of the BoE, the ECB, and the Fed, International Journal of Central Banking, volume 19, issue 2, June 2023, 543-600. [ECB Working Paper].

Fraccaroli, N., A. Regan, and M. Blyth (2023) Brexit and the Ties that Bind: How Global Finance Shapes City-Level Growth Models, Journal of European Public Policy. Selected among the Best papers from the European Union Studies Association 2022 Biennial Conference, Miami, USA.

Cantarella, M., N. Fraccaroli and R. Volpe (2023) Does Fake News Affect Voting Behaviour?, Research Policy, volume 52, issue 1. [CEIS Working Paper; VoxEU].

Fraccaroli, N., A. Giovannini, J.F. Jamet and E. Persson (2022) Does the European Central Bank Speak Differently When in Parliament?, Journal of Legislative Studies, volume 28, issue 3. [ECB Working Paper; SUERF Policy Brief]

Fraccaroli, N., A. Giovannini, J.F. Jamet and E. Persson (2022) Ideology and Monetary Policy. The Role of Political Parties' Stances in the European Central Bank's Parliamentary Hearings, European Journal of Political Economy. [ECB Working Paper; SUERF Policy Brief].

Skidelsky, R. and N. Fraccaroli (2017) Austerity vs Stimulus. The Political Future of Economic Recovery, London: Palgrave Macmillan.


Yellin' at Yellen: Gender Bias in the Federal Reserve Congressional Hearings

Conditionally Accepted for Publication

with James Bisbee & Andreas Kern

Coverage: The Guardian, Marginal Revolution, Marketplace podcast

Does Regulatory and Supervisory Independence Affect Financial Stability?  

Revise and Resubmit

with Rhiannon Sowerbutts & Andrew Whitworth

Breaking Down the Lockdown: The Causal Effect of Stay-at-Home Mandates on Uncertainty and Sentiments during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Under Review

with Carolina Biliotti, Falco Bargagli Stoffi, Michelangelo Puliga and Massimo Riccaboni


Political Anger: Evidence from Social Media Campaigns in the Italian Elections

with Nadav Druker and Mark Blyth

Supervisory Capture, Governance and Non-performing Loans

Ideology  in  times  of  crisis. A principal component analysis of votes in the European Parliament, 2004-2019 

with Anatole Cheysson

Credit Shocks and Populism 

with Alessandro Pizzigolotto


State-Owned Banks and Macroprudential Policy

with Tito Cordella and Ugo Panizza

Central Bank Independence, Government Lending, and Fiscal Space

with Angelos Athanasopoulos, Andreas Kern, and Davide Romelli

The Political Economy of Cartel Parties: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis

with Mark Blyth and Jonathan Hopkin

Learning from a Systemic Banking Crisis' Experience: The Long-Run Impact on Borrowing Behavior 

with Alessandro Pizzigolotto


Chopin, T., Fraccaroli, N., Hernborg, N. & Jamet, J.-F. (2024) Political dynamics ahead of the European Parliament elections: implications for the EU’s political direction and policy priorities, Policy Paper N. 302, Jacques Delors Institute, May 2024.

Fraccaroli, N. (2023) The banking sector is vulnerable to property sector risks, in World Bank (ed.) China Economic Update - June 2023.

Fraccaroli, N., A. Giovannini, J.F. Jamet and E. Persson (2022) Does the European Central Bank speak differently when in parliament? A comparative textual analysis of the European Central Bank's speeches in the European Parliament and in press conferences, SUERF Policy Brief (2022), 447.

Fraccaroli, N., A. Giovannini, J.F. Jamet and E. Persson (2022) Ideology and Monetary Policy: The role of political parties' stances in the ECB's parliamentary hearings, SUERF Policy Brief 328.

Chopin, T., Fraccaroli, N., Hernborg, N. & Jamet, J.-F. (2019) The Battle for Europe's Future: Political Cleavages and the Balance of Power Ahead of the European Parliament Elections, Policy Paper N. 237, Jacques Delors Institute, May 2019.

Fraccaroli, N., A. Giovannini and J.F. Jamet (2018) The evolution of the ECB's accountability practices during the crisis, European Central Bank's Economic Bulletin (2018), 5(1).