

Fiscal Forecast America: How to predict a debt crisis (2023). The European Conservative. S. Larson, 24 May 2023.

Gender equality has an economic rationale, too (2023). The Australian. R. Yetsenga (also accessible here). 

Hidden Gems from the World of Research: Men forget to mind their manners when dealing with powerful women (2022). The Guardian. T. Bell.

A view of this economy from Buffalo, New York (2022). Marketplace podcast (podcast).

Interrupting Janet Yellen (2022). Marginal Revolution. T. Cowen.

ECB's Comms Strategy (2022). Politico EU Newsletter - Morning Financial Services, 11 August 2022.

Does Anger Win Elections? (2022). Trending Globally: Politics and Policy, Watson Institute's podcast (podcast).

Partiti e gruppi nel Parlamento Europeo. (2021). RAI GR Parlamento e Istituto Cattaneo (podcast).

Smart worker e over 50: chi si salva nell'anno nero del lavoro? E gli altri? (2021). Il Sole 24 Ore. F. Barbieri.

The Measure of Financial Regulators' Independence. (2020). Project Syndicate. H. Davies. 

Pensioni e lavoro: perché il Coronavirus accentua lo scontro tra giovani e vecchi. (2020). Il Sole 24 Ore. F. Barbieri.

L'ideologia in tempo di crisi: un'analisi delle votazioni nel Parlamento Europeo. (2019). Centro Italiano Studi Elettorali (video interview).

Shared supervision can help avoid 'capture' - BoE paper. (2019). Central Banking

La disinformatia online non sposta voti. (2019). Il Foglio. L. Borga. 

A New Kind of European Campaign. (2019). Open EU Debate. L. Bouza. 

Il riformismo è la risposta al malessere sociale. (2019). Il Sole 24 Ore. S. Fabbrini.

The ECB and National Parliaments: just a publicity stunt? (2018). Positive Money Europe. T. Tesche. 

Book Review: Austerity vs Stimulus. (2018). Financial Times. B. Casu Lukac.

Austerity vs Stimulus di Robert Skidelsky e Nicolò Fraccaroli. (2017). Pandora - Rivista di Teoria e Politica. L. Gobbi.

The UK is the only country that continues to believe austerity works. (2017). The Independent. A.W. Smith.

Austerity vs Stimulus by Robert Skidelsky and Nicolò Fraccaroli — hard times. (2017). Financial Times. Y. Yang.


'What has central bank independence ever done for us?'. (2020). Andy Haldane, Chief Economist of the Bank of England.

'Hearing at the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament - Introductory statement'. (2020). Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank.

'The ideal post-EU regulatory framework'. (2020). Victoria Saporta, Executive Director of Prudential Policy of the Bank of England. 

'Hearing at the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament - Introductory statement'. (2019). Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank.

'International trends in central bank independence: the ECB's perspective'. (2019). Yves Mersch, Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank.

'Debate about the Annual Report'. (2019). Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank.

'Hearing at the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament - Introductory statement'. (2019). Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank.

'Hearing at the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament - Introductory statement'. (2018). Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank.