BS/MD Programs

What is a bs/MD Program?

BS/MD, or Bachelor of Science / Medical Degree programs accept students into a university's schools of undergraduate studies and medicine simultaneously. This allows students to bypass the traditional medical school application process, including the 7-hour MCAT exam.

Given the long years that earning an MD requires, some BS/MD programs provide an accelerated program, so that students may achieve their dreams of becoming a doctor in a more timely manner.

When selecting BS/MD programs, make sure to research the medical school as well as the undergraduate school. Medical school is more important than an undergraduate school's prestige, and are crucial to residency placement post-graduation. Furthermore, make sure to keep cost in mind as well, as medical school tuition now averages about 90k a year.

These programs typically are more selective than most undergraduate colleges, averaging at about 2-3%.


Brown's Program in liberal medical education

Brown's PLME program is divided into four years of undergraduate study, and four years of medical school at Brown's affiliated Warren Alpert School of Medicine. Applying to this program only requires a few additional supplements available on the common application, and a normal alumni interview. You can apply to PLME both ED and RD, and during both times, you are eligible for regular undergraduate admission at Brown University.

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Acceptance rate: 3.7% for the class of 2020

northwestern honors program in medical education

Northwestern's HPME program is eight years in total: four in undergrad, four at the Feinberg School of Medicine. To apply to HPME, you must fill out a form with your test scores and GPA to get an application. You must set up an online portal and submit your supplements, recommendations, and transcript through there. Finalists are called to interview in Chicago between February and early March. If you are not a finalist, you must fill out a form indicating your interest in Northwestern undergraduate studies. Decisions are released mid -March.

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Boston university seven-year medical program

Boston University's SMED program is split between 3 years of undergraduate studies and four years at the Boston University School of Medicine. Applying to this program requires a single essay that can be submitted through the common application. Eighty finalists are invited to interview in Boston with both a faculty member in the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Medicine. Unfortunately, applicants to the SMED program are only considered for undergraduate admission if they advance to the interview stage. Students in the program must maintain a 3.2 GPA, and complete a minor outside of the natural sciences.

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University of pittsburgh guaranteed admissions program

University of Pittsburgh's GAP is unique in that it offers the opportunity for a gap year. Should students choose, they can spend four years at Pitt take one-two gap years, and return to study at UPSOM, or the School of Medicine. The deadline to be considered for GAP is December 1st and candidates will be notified of their eligibility to apply to GAP before January. These candidates must then apply to GAP. Out of the applicants, forty are invited to return for an interview with a SOM student as well as a faculty member. Once admitted, students must maintain a 3.75 GPA in STEM, and do not have to take the MCAT. GAP ensures a spot in UPSOM/UPMC, beating Yale for the top 14 medical schools. Decisions are released mid-April.

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UCONN Special program in medicine

UCONN's SPIM program is a part of the undergraduate honors college. Students will study there for four years before matriculation at University of Connecticut School of Medicine. To be considered for SPIM, applicants must complete 3 600 word essays and submit 3 recommendations. These essays can be completed through the common application, while the recommendations must be emailed to a special address. Finalists are invited to interview on campus in late January. Non-finalists will not be notified that they did not receive an interview. Decisions are released in early March.

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